Aspen Bibliography

How to Control Undesirable Trees and Shrubs

Maurice W. Day


Methods of control by mechanical means (cutting, burning, disking, ploughing and bulldozing, and girdling) are discussed very briefly and chemical control (with 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T) is discussed more fully. Concentrations are recommended and methods and season of foliage spraying discussed. Ammonium sulphamate gives good results, especially against more resistant species such as Oak and Ash, but is far more expensive than 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T. Where resistant species are predominant, the use of 2, -1/2, 5- T sprayed on the top and sides of cut stumps is recommended; a concentration of ca. 4, 000 p.p.m. in diesel oil is suitable. The dormant spraying of shrubs is still in the experimental stage; solutions of 4, 000-8, 000 p.p.m. of an ester of 2, 4, 5-T or 2, 4-D in diesel oil, applied to the stems from the base to a height of about 3 ft. before any sign of growth activity in spring, are recommended. [Cf. For. Abstr. 10 (No. 2586). KEYWORDS: herbicides \ application \ herbicides \ plant growth regulators \ 2, 4, 5 T \ herbicides \ plant growth regulators \ 2, 4-D \ woody weeds \ control \ woody weeds \ chemical control \ woody weeds \ control mechanical