
Food Structure

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The stability, texture and microstructure of six mechanically deboned chicken meat bat.ters prepared with NaCL (1.25 and 2.5%) and replacement of the 2. 5 NaCl with HgC12 , CaC12 , KCl and LiCl based on isoionic strength were examined . The uncooked HgCL2 batter showed the poorest fat binding, The monovalent chloride salts produced stable cooked batters, whereas both divalent salts did not, CaC12 produced a more unstable batter than MgC1 2 High correlation was found between water and fat loss and total cookout losses from cooked batters. Texture was significantly affected by the type of chloride salt used. The divalent chloride salt batters had low brittleness and were simllar in texture. They had a different texture profile from monovalent chloride salt batters . Hardness and springiness were found to be related to batter stability.

Microstructural differences between treatments reflected differences in batter stability and appeared to explain some of the textural differences. The protein matrices of the monovalent chloride salt batters were all simllar. However, LiCl produced a more tightly interwoven matrix than the others. Extensive coalescence was evident in the batters made with HgC12 and CaC La which resulted in the format:ion of fat channels. In addition, their protein matrices were highly aggregated. Batter stability and texture appear to depend on the structure and integrity of the matrix as well as t he formation of a stable protein film around fat globules .

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Food Science Commons
