Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education

Committee Chair(s)

Michelle Wilson


Michelle Wilson


Children who are pre-lingually deaf or hard of hearing are often delayed in the acquisition and development of spoken language. Educators of the deaf and hard of hearing, of necessity, adapt and modify curriculum to ameliorate the delays inherent with hearing loss. Teachers utilize specialized strategies and techniques of presentation to adjust to the language and communication learning needs of children with hearing loss.
Curricula are written to identify the developmental sequence of concepts and skills expected of typically developing children. The Utah Early Childhood Core Standards (UECCS) was established to help prepare children to have the pre-requisite skills and concepts to enter kindergarten. The expectation of the Utah State Board of Education is that all children will progress toward the attainment of the standards, whether they have special needs or not.
UECCS provides guidelines to assist the adults in a child’s life, specifically teachers and parents, guide the child to attain the early childhood standards. Additional guidelines are provided for adults working with English language learners. This project identifies and describes consistencies and common elements of UECCS guidelines that correlate to commonly recognized best practice strategies and techniques utilized by LSL teachers of the deaf.
As part of the project 18 experienced educators of children who are deaf and hard of hearing were interviewed to identify specific strategies, techniques, or practices that they have or would utilize to teach to the Utah standards. The results of interviews provided guidelines for adults working with early childhood children who are hearing impaired.
The project created a reference/resource of coordinated teaching strategies for use with DHH children using the UECCS.
