Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)




Not specified


Origin and nature of this project

In recent years an increasing number of requests have been made by the music teachers of Utah that a handbook be prepared that would set forth the structure of the Utah Music Educators Association and describe its activities and services.

It was thought advisable by the officers of U.M.E.A. to include in the booklet also the plan of operation of the region music activities of Utah and a description of the affiliation of U.M.E.A. with other professional organizations along with a brief statement of their structure and objectives.


This handbook will be helpful in the following ways:

1. It will acquaint new teachers with the services that are available to them from the Utah Music Educators Association.

2. It will be an aid to all teachers and administrators charged with the responsibility of sponsoring and supervising music activities.

3. It will help U.M.E.A. officers to know the duties of their officers and the procedures followed by the U.M.E.A.

4. It will help all music teachers, U.M.E.A. officers and administrators and administrators to understand the affiliation of U.M.E.A. with other professional organizations.

5. It will give helpful information to teachers and administrators concerning some of the legal and ethical regulations and procedures of which they should be cognisant in administrating a music program.

Included in

Education Commons
