The Green Canyon Ecology Research Center in North Logan, UT was purchased for use in conducting livestock research, wildlife research, and veterinary research. This site is also the principal center for activities aimed at breeding crops, testing new varieties of grasses, and researching irrigation and soil management.

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Resource Availability and Quality Influence Patterns of Diet Mixing by Sheep, Ryan A. Shaw, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Terpenes and Carbohydrate Source Influence Rumen Fermentation, Digestibility, Intake, and Preference in Sheep, J. J. Villalba, F. D. Provenza, and K. C. Olson; Journal of Animal Science


Initial Conditions and Temporal Delays Influence Preference for Foods High in Tannins and for Foraging Locations with and Without foods High in Tannins by Sheep, Juan Jose Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and Ryan Shaw; Influence of Surrounding Plants on Densities of Pieris rapae (L.) Eggs and Larvae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) on Collards Restricted access



Effect of Added Sugar on Preference and Intake by Sheep of Hay Cut in the Morning Versus the Afternoon, E. A. Burritt, H. F. Mayland, F. D. Provenza, R. L. Miller, and J. C. Burns; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Proximal Cues of Pocket Gopher Burrow Plugging Behavior: Influence of Light, Burrow Openings, and Temperature, Scott J. Wernera, Dale L. Nolte, and Frederick D. Provenza; Physiology & Behavior



Nutritional Context Influences Preferences of Lambs for Foods with Plant Secondary Metabolites, Elena Baraza, Juan J. Villalba, and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science



Impact of the Consumption of Endophyte-infected Perennial Ryegrass by Meadow Voles, Michael R. Conover; Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment



Importance of Alternative Foods on the Persistence of Flavor Aversions: Implications for Applied Flavor Avoidance Learning, Bruce A. Kimball, Frederick D. Provenza, and Elizabeth A. Burritt; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Polyethylene Glycol Influences Selection of Foraging Location by Sheep Consuming Quebracho Tannin, J. J. Villalba and F. D. Provenza; Journal of Animal Science


Influence of Macronutrients and Activated Charcoal on Intake of Sagebrush by Sheep and Goats, J. J. Villalba, F. D. Provenza, and R. E. Banner; Journal of Animal Science


Influence of Macronutrients and Polyethylene Glycol on Intake of a Quebracho Tannin Diet by Sheep and Goats, J. J. Villalba, F. D. Provenza, and R. E. Banner; Journal of Animal Science



Nitrogen Acquisition from Different Spatial Distributions by Six Great Basin Plant Species, Sara E. Duke and Martyn M. Caldwell; Western North American Naturalist


Herbivore Response to Anti-Quality Factors in Forages, K L. Launchbaugh, Frederick D. Provenza, and J A. Pfister; Journal of Range Management


Supplemental Polyethylene Glycol Influences Preferences of Goats Browsing Blackbrush., Christopher H. Titus, Frederick D. Provenza, Avi Perevolotsky, Nissim Silanikove, and Jozo Rogosic; Supplemental Polyethylene Glycol Influences Preferences of Goats Browsing Blackbrush.


Preference for Polyethylene Glycol by Sheep fed a Quebracho Tannin Diet, J. J. Villalba and F. D. Provenza; Preference for Polyethylene Glycol by Sheep Fed a Quebracho Tannin Diet



Supplemental Barley and Charcoal Increase Intake of Sagebrush by Lambs, R. E. Banner, E. A. Birritt, and F. D. Provenza; Journal of Range Management


Sagebrush Ingestion by Lambs: Effects of Experience and Macronutrients, Elizabeth A. Burritt, Roger E. Banner, and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Range Management


Role of Toxins in Intake of Varied Diets by Sheep, Elizabeth A. Burritt and Frederick D. Provenza; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Using Eggs Containing an Irritating Odor to Teach Mammalian Predators to Stop Depredating Eggs, Suzanne E. Hoover and Michael R. Conover; Wildlife Society Bulletin


Self Regulation of Intake of Polyethylene Glycol by Sheep Fed Diets Varying in Tannin Concentrations, F. D. Provenza, E. A. Burritt, A. Perevolotsky, and N. Silanikove; Journal of Animal Science


Lambs Fed Protein or Energy Imbalanced Diets Forage in Locations and on Foods that Rectify Imbalances, Lindsey L. Scott and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behaviour Science


Preferences for Foods Varying in Macronutrients and Tannins by Lambs Supplemented with Polyethylene Glycol, C. H. Titus, F. D. Provenza, A. Perevolotsky, and N. Silanikove; Journal of Animal Science


Roles of Flavor and Reward Intensities in Acquisition and Generalization of Food Preferences in Lambs: Do Strong Plant Signals Always Deter Herbivory?, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Proenza; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Discriminating Among Novel Foods Effects of Energy Provision on Preferences of Lambs for Poor Quality Foods, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behavior Science


Postingestive Feedback from Starch Influences the Digestive Behavior of Sheep Consuming Wheat Straw, Juan J. Villalba and Frederick D. Provenza; Applied Animal Behavior Science