
Weekday Poster Session 4


Utah State University, Logan, UT


For developing countries, access to space is still limited due to a lack of expertise and resources. This study assesses the extent to which generative AI can augment software development for early-stage CubeSat design in a resource-limited environment. ChatGPT-4 was used to guide the software development process. To demonstrate its effectiveness, a case study involving the construction of an orbital simulator for predicting the mission lifetime of a CubeSat in LEO was conducted, comparing the AI-assisted software with baseline software previously developed by the team. The results demonstrate significant advantages in terms of development effort reduction, but also introduce challenges with verification.


Aug 7th, 1:30 PM

Assessment of Generative AI Tools to Enhance Software Development for Early-Stage CubeSat Design in a Resource-Limited Environment

Utah State University, Logan, UT

For developing countries, access to space is still limited due to a lack of expertise and resources. This study assesses the extent to which generative AI can augment software development for early-stage CubeSat design in a resource-limited environment. ChatGPT-4 was used to guide the software development process. To demonstrate its effectiveness, a case study involving the construction of an orbital simulator for predicting the mission lifetime of a CubeSat in LEO was conducted, comparing the AI-assisted software with baseline software previously developed by the team. The results demonstrate significant advantages in terms of development effort reduction, but also introduce challenges with verification.