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Active Analysis in the Beginning Acting Classroom, Michael Shipley; Stanislavski Studies


Performing as Professor: Practicing What We Preach, Amanda Dawson; Mid-American Theatre Conference

Remembering the Remembered: Vietnam War Memorials, Amanda Dawson; American Society for Theatre Research


Best Practices for Advising the Student-led Production Company or Drama Club, Amanda Dawson; Association of Theatre in Higher Education


Alt-Ac Careers Roundtable, Amanda Dawson; Association of Theatre in Higher Education Conference

Critical Thinking Assignment Design Workshop, Amanda Dawson and B. Branson; Brescia University


Challenging Aristotle: Teaching the Visual-Visual Dramaturgy, Amanda Dawson; Association of Theatre in Higher Education Conference

Engagement and Empowerment Through Storytelling, Amanda Dawson; Teaching and Learning Symposium

Tell Your Story: Engage Your Students, Amanda Dawson; Brescia University Faculty Development

Playwriting and Young Audience: Collected Wisdom and Practical Advice from the Field, Matt and Nicole B. Adkins

Qualitative Research: Analyzing Life, Johnny Saldana and Matt


Hidden Scars: Wounds of the Mind and Body in the Vietnam Veteran, Amanda Dawson; Association of Theatre in Higher Education Conference

Plays in Progress and Playwriting Symposium’s Dramatists Play Lab, Amanda Dawson; Mid-American Theatre Conference

Then and Now: Race and the Vietnam War, Amanda Dawson; Mid-American Theatre Conference

Transgressive Voices: Soldiers Transition Home, Amanda Dawson; American Society for Theatre Research Conference


Student Perceptions of High School Theatre Programs: An Investigation of Social Issues and Call for Replication, Matt Omasta and Andrea Thomas Brandley; Youth Theatre Journal


Archiving the Wounds of the Vietnam Veteran, Amanda Dawson; University of Kansas

Men and Memory: Dramaturgy of the Vietnam Veteran, Amanda Dawson; Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas Conference

Play, Performance and Identity: How Institutions Structure Ludic Spaces., Matt and D. Chappell; Play, Performance and Identity: How Institutions Structure Ludic Spaces


Dreaming of War: Hoping to Escape, Amanda Dawson; Association of Theatre in Higher Education Conference

How ‘Efficiency’ Translates as Nativism in an Alternative Reading of The Adding Machine, Amanda Dawson; Association of Theatre in Higher Education Conference

Vietnam Veterans: Performing the Wounds of War, Amanda Dawson; American Society for Theatre Research Conference

AATE Networks Policy Manual, Matt; Bethesda, MD: American Alliance for Theatre and Education

AATE New Guard Policy Manual, Matt; Bethesda, MD: American Alliance for Theatre and Education

AATE Research Awards Committee Policy and Procedures Manual, 10th Edition, Matt; Bethesda, MD: American Alliance for Theatre and Education

AATE Special Interest Groups Policy Manual, Matt; Bethesda, MD: American Alliance for Theatre and Education

Gaps, Silences, and Comfort Zones: Dominant Paradigms in Applied Theatre & Drama Education Discourse, Matt and D. Snyder-Young; Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre & Performance

It's More than the Applause': A Readers Theatre Informance of Adult Perceptions of Their High School Speech and/or Theatre Participation., L. McCammon, J. Saldana, Matt, and A. Hines; Performing Scholartistry


AATE Business Considerations Overview, M. Bobbit, G. Frank, M. Granahan, J. Gonzalaez, G. Minyard, Matt, R. Prouty, B. Quinn, and A. Sarian; Bethesda, MD: American Alliance for Theatre and Education, October 2013

Communicating Democracy: Bullying in Education, Amanda Dawson; Central States Communication Association Conference

Playing Gay: A Conversation with LGBT Students Learning Through "Gay Plays", Amanda Dawson; Association of Theatre in Higher Education Conference

Playwriting Symposium, Amanda Dawson; Mid-American Theatre Conference

The Journey of Just Asking and Just Telling, Amanda Dawson; Mid-American Humanities Conference

The Large and In-Charge Liliom: Billy BIGelow is Bustin’ Out All Over, Amanda Dawson; American Society for Theatre Research Conference

Comparing the Surveys: A supplement to the Landscape Survey of Theatre Education in United States High Schools, Matt; Teaching Theatre Digital

Facilities: A supplement to the Landscape Survey of Theatre Education in United States High Schools, Matt; Teaching Theatre Digital

NCCAS K-8 Theatre Standards Public Review Feedback Summary, Matt; Washington, DC: National Coalition for Core Arts Standards

Social issues: A supplement to the Landscape Survey of Theatre Education in United States High Schools, Matt; Teaching Theatre Digital

Technology & New Media: A supplement to the Landscape Survey of Theatre Education in United States High Schools, Matt; Teaching Theatre Digital

Trends in Theatre Teacher Training & Student Assessment, Matt; Teaching Theatre


Book Review: The Young Audience: Exploring and Enhancing Children's Experiences of Theatre by Matthew Reason, Matt Reason; Theatre Topics


Laurie Brooks: A Coterie of Plays and Concepts, Amanda Dawson; American Alliance for Theatre Education Conference

A Survey of School Theatre: A Landscape Survey of Theatre Education in United States High Schools, Matt; Teaching Theatre


Lifelong Impact: Adult Perceptions of Their High School Speech and/or Theatre Participation, L. McCammon, J. Saldana, A. Hines, and Matt Omasta; Youth Theatre Journal


The Reader's Theatre Script for 'Lifelong Impact: Adult Perceptions of Their High School Speech and/or Theatre Participation, L. McCammon, J. Saldana, A. Hines, and Matt Omasta; Youth Theatre Journal



Adolescents' Affective Engagement with Theatre: Surveying Middle School Students' Attitudes, Values, and Beliefs., Matt; International Journal of Education and the Arts

Editorial Team Duties for ASTR Online, Matt; American Society for Theatre Research

Technology and the Theatre Teaching Artist, Matt; TYA/Today


Artist Intentions and Audience Response in Theatre for Young Audiences.", Matt Omasta; Youth Theatre Journal


Constructing Good and Evil at the 'Happiest Place on Earth, Matt; Children Under Construction: Critical Essays on Play as Curriculum


Book Review: Performing Childhood in Early Modern Theatre by Edel Lamb, Matt Omasta; Theatre Journal


ASTR Graduate Student Caucus Guidelines: An Addendum to the ASTR Handbook, Matt, C. McIvor, J. Goodlander, and K. Johnson; American Society for Theatre Research


The TYA Contract: A Social Contractarian Understanding of Obligations between Theatre for Young Audiences Companies and their Constituents, Matt Omasta; Youth Theatre Journal



Performance Review: The American Girls Revue, Matt Omasta; Theatre Journal


Performing Statehood in TYA, Matt Omasta; Youth Theatre Journal


Finding Guide for the Graffiti Theatre Archive, Matt; Tempe AZ: Child Drama Collection, Arizona State University Libraries, Spring 2007