
John A. Widtsoe

Document Type

Full Issue

Publication Date



The second period of the irrigation investigations of the Utah Experiment Station began in 1901, when plans were formulated for accurate and extensive studies of the relations to each other of soils, crops and water. Preliminary work was done on the College Farm during the summer of 1901. During the winter of 1901-02, the Greenville Farm was secured, and on it was constructed a system of weirs, flumes and laterals, whereby accurately measured quantities of water could be placed at will upon any plat. With this apparatus a great number of vital questions concerning the practice of irrigation was submitted to experimental study. The standard irrigated crops were grown with varying amounts of water and under different conditions of cultivation and of irrigation. At regular intervals, during the growing season and at harvest, the crops were carefully sampled, the moisture in them determined, and they were finally submitted to complete chemical analysis. In this manner, among other things, the total dry matter produced on each plat was determined.



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