

Table of contents

57 CHEESEMAKERS ALTER THE DAIRY COW'S DIET R. C. Lamb Dairy herd management involves more than breeding for higher milk yields. Because cheesemakers are willing to pay higher prices for milk containing more fat and protein, cows are now feeding on more specialized, high-fiber, high-protein diets.

60 USU'S GROWING LACTIC CULTURE SYSTEM G. H. Richardson The Quality and Quantity of cheese a manufacturer produces depend on many factors. The choice and treatment of bacteria are among the most important decisions to be made. USU's lactic culture system can greatly increase cheese production and lower costs.

64 STORING NUTRITION D. G. Hendricks and C. P. Brennand Foods stored under cool, dark conditions, and used within 5 years, usually remain edible and nutritious.

66 CURING WITHOUT WORRYING F. Vahabzadeh, S. K. Collinge, D. P. Cornforth. A. W. Mahoney, and F. J. Post Earlier reports have made some people cautious about eating cured meats such as hot dogs, bacon and ham. More recent research indicates that potential health risks are minimal.

70 A STUDY OF MEAT FLAVOR C. P. Brennand In controlled tests, researchers are learning more about what imparts the destructive flavors of beef, pork, lamb, and poultry. Taste-test panelists often have trouble, however, identifying which meat they are eating.

74 TESTING FOR IRON•BIOAVAILABILITY A. W. Mahoney and D. G. Hendricks If you are careful to consume the amount of iron recommended for your sex and age, you may still come out short. The form of the iron, the food in which it is contained and your metabolism all affect the final results.

80 FREEZE PROTECTION FOR UTAH'S ORCHARDS S. D. Seeley and H. Damavandy Freezing is an annual hazard for fruit growers in Utah. By learning how to keep leaves on the trees longer than usual in the fall, researchers are lessening that danger.

84 THE VALUE OF RECREATIONAL BOATING J. E. Keith and L. Farnworth What is a day's recreation at a lake or reservoir worth? According to a recent study, Utah and Idaho boaters would answer "Quite a bit!"

87 SOCIAL COMPETENCY DURING ADOLESCENCE G. R. Adams Becoming socially competent may be a life-long process for some people. Research is showing, however, that learning certain social skills early in life can be advantageous.

84 THE VALUE OF RECREATIONAL BOATING J. E. Keith and L. Farnworth What is a day's recreation at a lake or reservoir worth? According to a recent study, Utah and Idaho boaters would answer "Quite a bit!"

87 SOCIAL COMPETENCY DURING ADOLESCENCE G. R. Adams Becoming socially competent may be a life-long process for some people. Research is showing, however, that learning certain social skills early in life can be advantageous.
