

Table of contents

2 ANNUAL FLOWERS W. A. Varga Looking for ways to add color and interest to the landscape? A USU horticulturist reviews the attributes of some annual flowers.

6 UNDERSTANDING PLANT-MICROBE COMMUNICATION Anne Anderson Eavesdropping on the "conversations" between plants and microbes may help researchers genetically engineer plants more resistant to pathogens and that can better utilize beneficial microorganisms.

9 WHOLE MILK OR MILK REPLACERS: A NUTRITIONAL AND ECONOMIC COMPARISON S. L. Maxfield. J. L. Walters, R. D. White, and S. D. Allen Even though prices for whole milk have declined in recent months, it still isn't economical to substitute marketable whole milk for milk replacers.

14 THE CAINE DAIRY CENTER: USU STARTS A NEW ERA OF DAIRY RESEARCH AND INSTRUCTION R. C. Lamb Construction of the Caine Dairy Teaching and Research Center symbolizes USU's leadership in dairy research and instruction.

18 QUALITY OF NEW UTAH SWEET CHERRY VARIETIES V. T. Mendenhall. C. Brennand, and S. V. Thomson An evaluation of the taste and appearance of new varieties of sweet cherries resistant to Western X disease.

22 UNSTOPPABLE FORCES MEET IMMOVABLE OBJECTS: AIRFLOW CHARACTERISTICS IN MOUNTAINOUS TERRAIN G. L. Wooldridge A review of what researchers have learned about the interactions between mountains and airflows.
