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Production of Interspecies Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos as a Model for Endangered Species Rescue, Laura Adams


Measures of Rumen Health and Function in Organic Pasture-Raised Dairy Heifers, Chase Todd Goodey


The Effects of Ammonia on the Functionality of Bovine Granulosa Cells, Micah Henrie


Improvement of Oocyte Developmental Competence and Potential Strategies for Non-Invasive Embryo Viability Assessment, Jacob Keim


Niacin Requirements of the Testis, Colton Nelson


Comparison of Three Chimeric Zika Vaccine Prototypes Developed on the Genetic Background of the Clinically Proven Live-Attenuated Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine Sa14-14-2, Byung-Hak Song, Jordan C. Frank, Sang-Im Yun, Justin G. Julander, Jeffrey B. Mason, Irina A. Polejaeva, Christopher J. Davies, Kenneth L. White, Xin Dai, and Young-Min Lee; International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Cocoa Polyphenols Modulate the Fecal Microbiome in a Mouse Model of Colitis, Independent of Basal Diet and Colon Inflammation, Eliza Catherine Stewart


The Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Immunomodulation During Bovine Pregnancy, Amber E. Thornton



Effect of Increasing Levels of Gossypol and Fatty Acids Coming From Whole Cottonseed on Rumen Fermentation, Nutrient Digestibility and Microbial Community Composition in Continuous Culture Fermenters, Camila Castro Veloz


Relative Hepatotoxocity, Carcinogenicity, and Toxicogenomics of Select Dehydropyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Mice, Michael J. Clayton


Atmospheric Mercury at Storm Peak Laboratory: Development of Methods to Calibrate Ambient Oxidized Mercury Measurements and Comparisons to a 3-D Photochemical Transport Model, Tyler Raymond Elgiar


Multispecies Genomic Sex Identification Using DDX3 Gene Polymorphisms, Jessica Felts


Establishment of a Transgenic Human Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 Hamster Infection Model for the Evaluation of Therapeutics Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, Scott A. Gibson


Effects of Endurance Exercise and Progesterone Levels on Atrial Fibrillation Inducibility in a Transgenic Goat Model Exhibiting Atrial Fibrosis, Misha Regouski


Consumption of a Western Diet Enhanced Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer and Dysbiosis of the Fecal Microbiome in Mice Notwithstanding Dietary Intervention or Fecal Microbiome Transfer, Daphne Michelle Rodriguez Jimenez


A Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Variants in an hACE2 Mouse Model, Ashley N. Y. Sheesley


Characterization of Enterovirus D68 in a Mouse Model and Evaluation of Antiviral Therapies, Zoe K. Taylor


Treatment of Yellow Fever Virus With the NS4B Inhibitor BDAA and Effects on RNA‐Sensing Innate Immune Pathways in Hamster and Mouse Models, Abbie E. Weight



Differential Transcriptome Analysis Reveals that Cache Valley PM2.5 Triggers the Unfolded Protein Response in Human Lung Cells, Morgan Eggleston


Using Cytoplasmic Biopsies to Determine Bovine Oocyte Quality, Madison Lindsey


Effects of Providing Novel Feedstuffs to Livestock on Production and Skeletal Muscle Growth, Laura A. Motsinger


Impact of pH and Palmitic Acid on Ruminal Fermentation and Microbial Community Composition, Lexie Padilla


Skeletal Muscle Growth of Beef Cattle: Cattle Breed Types and Anabolic Implants, Caleb C. Reichhardt



Impact of Fish Oil on Intestinal Permeability, Inflammation, and Performance in Swine, Anthony Fernando Alberto


The Effects of Trace Mineral Supplementation on Performance, Health, and Carcass Quality of At-Risk Mineral Deficient Feedlot Cattle, Tevan J. Brady


Comparison of Bovine Mammary Involution and Intramammary Infections Following Intramammary Treatment with Casein Hydrolysate and Other Conventional Treatments at Dry-Off, Justine E. Britten, Kerry A. Rood, and David J. Wilson; Animals


Investigation of Methionine and Lysine Derivatives as a Source of Rumen-Protected Amino Acids for Lactating Dairy Cows, Mark Avila Fagundes


The Influence of Dairy Breed and Forage Type on Organic Dairy Heifer Performance, Sawyer Douglas Fonnesbeck


Comparative Metabolism of Aflatoxin B1 in Two Quail Genera Coturnix japonica and Callipepla californica, Sean Moody


Effects of Feeding a Novel Alfalfa Leaf Pellet Product (ProLEAF MAX) and Alfalfa Stems (ProFiber Plus) on Performance in the Feedlot and Carcass Quality of Beef Steers, Laura A. Motsinger, Allen Young, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, Tevan J. Brady, Reganne K. Briggs, Brett R. Bowman, Chris Pratt, and Kara J. Thornton; Translational Animal Science


Generation of Sheep Models of Cystic Fibrosis by Gene Editing and Cloning, Iuri Viótti Périssé


Sheep Models of F508del and G542X Cystic Fibrosis Mutations Show Cellular Responses to Human Therapeutics, Iuri Viótti Périssé, Zhiqiang Fan, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Ying Liu, Shih-Hsing Leir, Jacob Keim, Misha Regouski, Michael D. Wilson, Kelly M. Cholewa, Sara N. Mansback, Thomas J. Kelly, Zhongde Wang, Ann Harris, Kenneth L. White, and Irina A. Polejaeva; The FASEB Journal


Promotion of Colon Tumorigenesis in C57BL/6J Mice Following Multigenerational or Ancestral Exposure to the Total Western Diet and Intervention With Green Tea Extract, Sumira Phatak


Cranial Cruciate Ligament Desmotomies in Sheep Resulting in Peroneus Tertius Injury, Peter J. Welsh, Crystal G. Collier, Holly M. Clement, Michael N. Vakula, and Jeffrey B. Mason; Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine



Effects of Premortem Stress on Heat Shock Protein Abundance, Oxidation, and Color in the Longissimus lumborum of Holstein Steers Following Harvest, Reganne K. Briggs


The Effects of Gene Therapy in an Ovine Osteoarthritis Model, Crystal Collier


Comparative Analysis of Small Non-Coding RNA and Messenger RNA Expression in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer and In Vitro-Fertilized Bovine Embryos During Early Development Through the Maternal-to-Embryonic Transition, Jocelyn Marie Cuthbert


The Effects of Different Organic Pastures on Dairy Heifer Growth and Development, Jacob A. Hadfield


CRISPR/CAS9-Mediated Gene Editing in Herda Equine, Joseph R. Hawkes


New World Mammarenaviral Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Determinants of Infection and Disease, Brady T. Hickerson


Type I Interferon Underlies Severe Disease Associated with Junín Virus Infection in Mice, Brady T. Hickerson, Eric J. Sefing, Kevin W. Bailey, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Manuel L. Penichet, and Brian B. Gowen; eLife


Guinea Pig Transferrin Receptor 1 Mediates Cellular Entry of Junín Virus and Other Pathogenic New World Arenaviruses, Brady T. Hickerson, Jonna B. Westover, Zhongde Wang, Young-Min Lee, and Brian B. Gowen; Journal of Virology


Effects of Bovine Maternal Nutrient Restriction on Offspring MicroRNA and mRNA Expression and Muscle Fiber Type, Nikole E. Ineck


Identification of Bovine T-Cell Populations Involved in Placental Growth and Development, Kelsy A. Leppo


Novel Polymorphisms of ZRSR2 and GPM6B Gene Homologs and Their Use in Sex Identification of Bovine and Porcine Species, Evan K. Peterson


Characterization of a Novel STAT 2 Knock Out Hamster Model of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Pathogenesis, Charlene Ranadheera, Emelissa J. Valcourt, Bryce M. Warner, Guillaume Poliquin, Kyle Rosenke, Kathy Frost, Kevin Tierney, Greg Saturday, Jinxin Miao, Jonna B. Westover, Brian B. Gowen, Stephanie Booth, Heinz Feldmann, Zhongde Wang, and David Safronetz; Scientific Reports


Understanding the Influence of Trenbolone Acetate and Polyamines on Proliferation of Bovine Satellite Cells, Caleb C. Reichhardt, Amir Ahmadpour, Rachael G. Christensen, Nikole E. Ineck, Gordon Murdoch, and Kara Thornton-Kurth; Domestic Animal Endocrinology


Rumen Fermentation Responses to Purified Palmitic, Stearic, or Oleic Fatty Acids and the Impact of a Palmitic Acid-Enriched Supplement on Animal Performance, Austin Paul Sears


Demographics, Accuracy, and Impact of Feed Laboratories in the United States, Jerald H. Severe


Evaluation of Enrichment and Identification Media for Isolation of Common Bovine Salmonella Serotypes, Katie Irene Swanson


Development, Characterization, and Application of Two Reporter-Expressing Recombinant Zika Viruses, Sang-Im Yun, Byung-Hak Song, Michael E. Woolley, Jordan C. Frank, Justin G. Julander, and Young-Min Lee; Viruses


Raman Spectroscopy Characterization Extracellular Vesicles from Bovine Placenta and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells, Han Zhang, Ana Caroline Silva, Wei Zhang, Heloisa M. Rutigliano, and Anhong Zhou; PL o S One


The Effects of Electrical Biostimulation and Silver Ions on Porcine Fibroblast Cells, Yuanfeng Zhao



The Effect of Lactation and Energy Status on Gene Expression in the Main Reproductive Tissues of Lactating Dairy Cattle, Sameer M. Alhojaily


Evaluation of Casein Hydrolysate as an Alternative Dry-Off Treatment and Milk Quality Management Tool in Dairy Cows, Justine Elena Britten


Male Reproductive Infection and Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus in an Immunocompromised Mouse Model, Chad S. Clancy


Incomplete Urethral Duplication Associated with a Dermoid Cyst within a Vascular Hamartoma in a Female Dog, Chad S. Clancy, Gordon A. Hullinger, and Arnaud J. Van Wettere; Veterinary Sciences


Zika Virus Associated Pathology and Antigen Presence in the Testicle in the Absence of Sexual Transmission During Subacute to Chronic Infection in a Mouse Model, Chad S. Clancy, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, John D. Morrey, and Justin G. Julander; Scientific Reports


Role of the Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Glycoprotein E in Viral Pathogenicity, Joseph L. Goldhardt


Development of Mouse Models for Respiratory and Neurological Disease Caused by Enterovirus D68 and Evaluation of Antiviral Therapies, Brett L. Hurst


Ruminal Protection and Intestinal Availability of Rumen-Protected Methionine and Lysine in Lactating Dairy Cows, Sara Menchu


Epigenetic Reprogramming, Apoptosis, and Developmental Competence in Cloned Embryos, Laura A. Moley


Basal Diet Determined Long-Term Composition of the Gut Microbiome and Mouse Phenotype to a Greater Extent than Fecal Microbiome Transfer from Lean or Obese Human Donors, Daphne Michelle Rodriguez Jimenez, Abby D. Benninghoff, Niklas D.J. Aardema, Sumira Phatak, and Korry J. Hintze; Nutrients


Evaluation of a Proprietary Slow-Release Oxytocin Therapy and Return of the Luteolytic Mechanism in Mares, Brendan Andrew Sarnecky


Lack of Selective Resistance of Influenza A Virus in Presence of Host-Targeted Antiviral, UV-4B, Kelly L. Warfield, Kaitlyn R. Schaaf, Lisa Evans DeWald, Kevin B. Spurgers, Wei Wang, Eric Stavale, Michelle Mendenhall, Meghan H. Shilts, Timothy B. Stockwell, Dale L. Barnard, Urban Ramstedt, and Suman R. Das; Scientific Reports


Vascular Leak and Hypercytokinemia Associated with Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus Infection in Mice, Jonna B. Westover, Brady T. Hickerson, Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Brett L. Hurst, Jacqueline P. Kurz, Ashley Dagley, Petra Wülfroth, Takashi Komeno, Yousuke Furuta, Thomas Steiner, and Brian B. Gowen; Pathogens


Generation of H7N9-Specific Human Polyclonal Antibodies from a Transchromosomic Goat (caprine) System, Hua Wu, Zhiqiang Fan, Michelle Brandsrud, Qinggang Meng, Molly Bobbitt, Misha Regouski, Rusty Stott, Alexis Sweat, Jackelyn Crabtree, Robert J. Hogan, Ralph A. Tripp, Zhongde Wang, Irina A. Polejaeva, and Eddie J. Sullivan; Scientific Reports



Phenotypic Association Between Lactose and Other Milk Components in Western US Dairy Herds and Japan, Takuji Asami


Development and Application of a Reverse Genetics System for Zika Virus, Jordan C. Frank


Assessment of Microchimerism Following Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer and Natural Pregnancies in Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus), Kirsten Karen Gash


Identification of Sperm Chromatin Proteins as Candidate Markers of Stallion Fertility, Chelsea C. Ketchum


Bovine Mastitis Resistance: Novel Quantitative Trait Loci and the Role of Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells, Jacqueline P. Kurz


Characterization of an N-Terminal Non-Core Domain of RAG1 Gene Disrupted Syrian Hamster Model Generated by CRISPR Cas9, Jinxin Miao, Baoling Ying, Rong Li, Ann E. Tollefson, Jacqueline F. Spencer, William S.M. Wold, Seok-Hwan Song, Il-Keun Kong, Karoly Toth, Yaohe Wang, and Zhongde Wang; Viruses


Alpha-Amino-Beta-Carboxy-Muconate-Semialdehyde Decarboxylase Controls Dietary Niacin Requirements for NAD+ Synthesis, Laura Palzer, Jessica J. Bader, Frances Angel, Megan Witzel, Sydney Blaser, Alexis McNeil, Miles K. Wandersee, N. Adrian Leu, Christopher J. Lengner, Clara E. Cho, Kevin D. Welch, James B. Kirkland, Ralph G. Meyer, and Mirella L. Meyer-Ficca; Cell Reports


Evaluation of Therapeutics for an Enterovirus 71 Infection in an AG129 Mouse Model, Christopher Peterson


Impact of Basal Diet on Obesity Phenotype of Recipient Mice Following Fecal Microbiome Transfer from Obese or Lean Human Donors, Daphne Michelle Rodriguez Jimenez


Gastrinoma and Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome in Canids: A Literature Review and a Case in a Mexican Gray Wolf, Jason D. Struthers, Nick Robl, Valerie M. Wong, and Matti Kiupel; Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation


Development and Characterization of Reporter-Expressing Zika Viruses, Michael E. Woolley


Evaluation of Oocyte Developmental Competence and Potential Strategies to Improve Oocyte Quality, Min Yang


Maternal to zygotic transition associated changes in bovine in-virto fertilized embryos, Jocelyn Cuthbert, K. L. White, Q. M. Meng, and Abby D. Benninghoff; Society for Study of Reproduction


Toxicity and Mitochondrial Delivery of Flavonol-Based Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecules, Hector Jose Esquer Heredia


Development of an Animal Model for Enterovirus for Evaluation D68 for Screening of Antiviral Therapies, W. Joseph Evans


Comparison of Chikungunya Virus Strains in Disease Severity and Susceptibility to T-705 (Favipiravir), In vitro and In vivo, Makda Gebre


Lactational Performance and Energy Partitioning of Dairy Cows Supplemented with N-Acetyl-L-Methionine During Mid to Late Lactation, Tyson George Grisenti


Nitrogen Excretion of Lactating Dairy Cows Fed an Alfalfa Hay- or Birdsfoot Trefoil Hay-Based High-Forage Diet, Mohammad Ghelich Khan


Effect of the total Western diet via direct or ancestral exposure on estrous cycling in third generation offspring in mice, Kevin Contreras, Jocelyn Cuthbert, Sumira Phatak, Deanna P. Larson, and Abby D. Benninghoff; American Society of Animal Science


Oocyte Quality: Molecular Constituents Altered in the Oocyte Due to Various Environmental Factors, Lindsay Cox

MicroRNA changes throughout the maternal to zygotic transition in bovine in-vitro fertilized embryos, Jocelyn Cuthbert, K. L. White, Q. M. Meng, and Abby D. Benninghoff; American Society of Cell Biology


Amelioration of Chikungunya through Inhibition of the Inflammatory Response, Ashley L. Dagley


The effect of inbreeding on Holstein-Friesian breed, Mahdi Nazokkarmaher


Effect of Chronic Administration of Oxytocin on Corpus Luteum Function in Cycling Mares, Katherine Clissold Parkinson


Effects of Feeding High-Moisture Corn Grain with Slow-Release Urea in Dairy Diets on Lactational Performance, Energy and Nitrogen Utilization, and Ruminal Fermentation Profiles by Lactating Cows, Braden M. Tye



Relative Toxicity of Select Dehydropyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Evaluation of a Heterozygous P53 Knockout Mouse Model for Dehydropyrrolizidine Alkaloid Induced Carcinogenesis, Ammon W. Brown


Improvement of Nutrient Utilization Efficiency, Ruminal Fermentation and Lactational Performance of Dairy Cows by Feeding Birdsfoot Trefoil, Rachael G. Christensen


DNA Methylation in Lung Tissues of Mouse Offspring Exposed In utero to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Trevor J. Fish


Development of Genetic Goat and Hamster Models of Atrial Fibrillation and Long QT Syndrome; and Genetic Hamster Models of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Dane A. Rasmussen


Growth Performance, Ruminal Fermentation Characteristics, and Economic Returns of Growing Beef Steers Fed Brown Midrib, Corn, Silage-Based Diet, Christopher Scott Saunders


The massive mitochondrial genome of the angiosperm Silene noctiflora is evolving by gain or loss of entire chromosomes, Zhiqiang Wu, Jocelyn Cuthbert, Douglas R. Taylor, and Daniel B. Sloan; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United State of America



Ghrelin Concentrations in Milk and Plasma of Dairy Cows During Early Lactation, Sameer M. Alhojaily


Ambient Temperature, Calf Intakes, and Weight Gains on Preweaned Dairy Calves, Sheldon D. Holt