Insight from EMF-Associated Agricultural and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Studies
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Human Induced Climate Change: An Interdisciplinary Assessment
Michael Schlesinger, Haroon Kheshgi, Joel Smith, Francisco de la Chesnaye, John Reilly, Tom Wilson, and Charlie Kodstad
Cambridge University Press
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
McCarl, B.A., B.C. Murray, M-K. Kim, H-C Lee, R.D. Sands, and U.A. Schneider (2007) “Insight from EMF-associated Agricultural and Forestry Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Studies.” edited by Michael Schlesinger, Haroon Kheshgi, Joel Smith, Francisco de la Chesnaye, John Reilly, Tom Wilson, and Charlie Kolstad. Human Induced Climate Change: An Interdisciplinary Assessment, Cambridge University Press, November, 2007.