Does the Vagus Nerve Play a Role in the Auditory Function of the Swim Bladder in the Nurseryfish, Kurtis gulliver (Perciformes: Kurtidae)?
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Journal/Book Title/Conference
Does the Vagus Nerve Play a Role in the Auditory Function of the Swim Bladder in the Nurseryfish, Kurtis gulliver (Perciformes: Kurtidae)?
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Carpenter, Kent E., Alan H. Savitzky, Victor R. Townsend, Jr., and Tim M. Berra. 2003. Does the vagus nerve play a role in the auditory function of the swim bladder in the nurseryfish, Kurtus gulliveri (Perciformes: Kurtidae)? Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Joint 19th Annual Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society, 81th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists,50th Annual Meeting of the Herpetologists’ League, and 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 1:90.