Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


School of Teacher Education and Leadership

Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

John C. Carlisle


John C. Carlisle


Heber C. Sharp


Basil Hansen


Educators have long been aware of the varied needs, abilities, and interests of children. They have tried to provide proper curriculum, materials, and methods to meet the wide range of abilities that exists in every classroom. Despite the attempt of the schools to provide for the particular needs of the individuals, the gifted students continue as a neglected segment in our schools. Because of other pressing educational problems, the awareness of their needs has been somewhat pushed into the background, and only through the present demand for greater leadership in our country and for the optimum use of our manpower, has this neglect been realized.

People of the United States are being brought to a realization of their responsibilities. They are becoming aware that a major objective of education in a democracy is to give each person the opportunity to develop to his maximum potential. If the student is to reach his maximum, programs should be developed in terms of meeting the particular needs of each individual. Although many excellent programs are in existence for meeting special needs of gifted, such programs could benefit from further improvement, and from a greater awareness on the part of lay and professional people. Through the efforts of our educators and the cooperation of the press, much is being done to stimulate interest in this problem of the education of the gifted. Many studies have been made suggesting ways of identifying superior students, and programs and procedures have been published to aid in providing for their needs. This research is concerned with the superior student enrolled in the Logan Junior High School.


