Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Human Development and Family Studies

Department name when degree awarded

Family and Child Development

Committee Chair(s)

Don C. Carter


Don C. Carter


Parent education has existed for as long as one parent has attempted to help another, and for as long as we have records. To what extent it has served its purpose has not been fully established. Only the future will fully tell how successful parent education programs have been among those who participated in them, because the final measure of success of a parent education program is the degree to which it contributes to effective family relationships and to favorable growth and development of children in the home.

Parent education sometimes is defined as the use of educational techniques to influence parental role performance (4, p. 20). The individual striving to fulfill his role as a parent can look forward to help from parent education programs, if they successfully measure up to the definition of their goals in terms of actual practice. Parent education can be looked at as an attempt constructively to influence and change parental roles in a desired direction for the betterment of all those concerned.



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