Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Kinesiology and Health Science

Department name when degree awarded

Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Committee Chair(s)

Janice Pearce


Janice Pearce


Robert Parker


Red Burnett


The purpose of this study was to determine the opinions and perceptions of the residents of Logan, Utah, concerning the role and responsibilities of the Bear River District Health Department, and whether those opinions and perceptions differed among low, middle and high income families; among residents having a high school degree or less, a bachelor's degree or less, or a graduate degree or less; and among men and women. A survey instrument was administered to a stratified random sample of 150 residents.

The data collected indicated that: (1) the majority of the residents of Logan, Utah, were not aware of the functions and services of the Bear River District Health Department. This level of awareness was inversely proportional to income level, (2) the majority of residents of Logan, Utah, felt that the Bear River District Health Department was fulfilling it 's role and responsibilities to the community, and (3) the majority of residents of Logan, Utah, do not utilize the services of the Bear River District Health Department to meet their health needs, but rely on some other agency or professional to meet those needs. This tendency was directly proportional to income level, with low income residents relying on the health department for services to a greater degree than high income residents.


