Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Sociology and Anthropology

Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

Nile D. Meservy


Nile D. Meservy


Therel R. Black


Wesley T. Maughan


Wade H. Andrews


The objective of this study was to determine whether certain socio-cultural factors tend to influence family planning behavior and attitudes of certain married couples at Utah State University. Socio-cultural factors considered in this study were: ethnic background, religious preference, level of education, and income. These socio-cultural factors (independent variables) were examined from the standpoint of their influence upon one or more of the following dependent variables: the use or non-use of family planning, the extent to which family planning is used, attitude toward the most important source of information for family planning, and attitude regarding the single method which is considered to be best by respondents.

The findings show that the socio-cultural variable Religious Preference was the main independent variable which proved to be significantly associated with the following dependent variables: sources of information for birth control (formal or informal); extent to which birth control is used (continually or periodically), and attitudes regarding the best method of birth control among women (artificial or non-artificial), Specifically, these findings show that the Catholics favored formal sources, while the Protestants favored informal sources of obtaining information about birth control. Catholics tended to use periodic methods of birth control, including rhythm, abstinence and non-use, while Protestants mainly used continual methods of birth control (primarily artificial). The last significant statistical difference showed the preference of Protestant women for artificial methods of birth control more than Catholic women.

It was concluded that religion is still an important agent of socialization relating to birth control behavior and attitudes.



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