Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Department name when degree awarded

Agricultural Systems Technology and Education

Committee Chair(s)

Brian K. Warnick


Brian K. Warnick


Gary S. Straquadine


Julie P. Wheeler


Noelle A. Call


The purpose of this study was to utilize the Student Readiness InventoryTM to profile retention and academic success rates for College of Agriculture freshmen. The Student Readiness Inventory (SRI) has been developed to help measure psychosocial issues related to academic achievement and college student retention. This information, combined with high school grade point average and admission test scores from American College Testing (ACT, Inc.), will help advisors and administrators in the College of Agriculture identify potential at-risk students during their first year of college. From SRI test results, a model for intervention will be built to meet the students' specific psychosocial needs, encouraging their persistence in obtaining a degree, and enhancing their college experience. Fifty-five incoming freshmen completed the SRI survey. Overall mean scores indicated that the students scored lower in psychosocial skills including social activity, study skills, academic self-confidence, and communication skills. Student SRI summary profile information will be provided to advisors and administrators to identify and help students who may be "at-risk" for dropping out of school before completing their degrees. The SRI information can help advisors and administrators in designing intervention programs or activities to assist students with improving abilities where they may be deficient. Further utilization of the SRI program may provide data on student trends with regard to retention and academic success for students in the College of Agriculture at Utah State University.


