Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Department name when degree awarded

Agricultural Systems and Technology Education

Committee Chair(s)

Rebecca Lawver (Committee Chair), Lendel Narine (Committee Co-chair)


Rebecca Lawver


Lendel Narine


Stacey MacArthur


Debra Spielmaker


David Francis


The 4-H program is the nation’s largest youth development program with near six million members nationwide. Utah 4-H provides this program to the residents of Utah through Utah State University’s Extension Service. The program focuses on teaching life skills to youth to prepare them for their future using hands on educational programs tied to project areas, or particular topics like equine science or fine arts. Utah 4-H has many different stakeholders, one of which being the parents of its members. For youth programs to continue to be successful, these programs must show stakeholders their significance and ensure that its audience is meeting desired outcomes.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate parents’ perceptions of Utah 4-H. To accomplish this the study sought to identify emerging issues impacting youth, parent perceptions of life skills development, and parent satisfaction with Utah 4-H.

Parents perceived that Utah 4-H should create programs addressing health, appropriate technology use, mental health, and financial literacy. As for life skill development, all 36 life skill presented showed a need for further development from Utah 4-H. Through reallocation of resources and policy changes, Utah 4-H can better teach life skills to its members. With the exception of one item, parents were moderately satisfied with Utah 4-H on each component of the program presented and overall, as well.


