Discours Veritable des Admirables Apparences, Mouvemens, et significations de la prodigieuse Comete de l’An 1618. Auec les demonstrations de sa situation Celeste, grandeur, & distance de la Terre
(True Discourse of the Admirable Appearances, Movement, and Meanings of the Prodigious Comet of the Year 1618. With Demonstrations of its Celestial Situation, Size, & Distance from the Earth)
Gilles Macé, French (1586-1637)
Caen : Chez Iacques Brenouset, demeurant á sroide ruë, á la cour au Sens, 1619
Written by astronomer and mathematician Gilles Macé, this book incorporates highly-decorative maps with simple geometric drawings to inform readers of the paths of three 1618 comets with respect to the earth. Macé, with extensive explanations of his illustrations, is evidently attempting to make this information approachable to the layman, an endeavor many academics took starting around the 16th century. In his illustrations, Macé uses letters to label certain points on each diagram to help readers understand his references throughout the text.
True Discourse of the Admirable Appearances, Movements, and Meanings of the Prodigious Comet of the Year 1618. With Demonstrations of its Celestial Location, Grandeur, and Distance from the Earth. Image 1.
True Discourse of the Admirable Appearances, Movements, and Meanings of the Prodigious Comet of the Year 1618. With Demonstrations of its Celestial Location, Grandeur, and Distance from the Earth. Image 2.
True Discourse of the Admirable Appearances, Movements, and Meanings of the Prodigious Comet of the Year 1618. With Demonstrations of its Celestial Location, Grandeur, and Distance from the Earth. Image 3.
True Discourse of the Admirable Appearances, Movements, and Meanings of the Prodigious Comet of the Year 1618. With Demonstrations of its Celestial Location, Grandeur, and Distance from the Earth. Image 4.
True Discourse of the Admirable Appearances, Movements, and Meanings of the Prodigious Comet of the Year 1618. With Demonstrations of its Celestial Location, Grandeur, and Distance from the Earth. Image 5.
True Discourse of the Admirable Appearances, Movements, and Meanings of the Prodigious Comet of the Year 1618. With Demonstrations of its Celestial Location, Grandeur, and Distance from the Earth. Image 6.
True Discourse of the Admirable Appearances, Movements, and Meanings of the Prodigious Comet of the Year 1618. With Demonstrations of its Celestial Location, Grandeur, and Distance from the Earth. Image 7.
True Discourse of the Admirable Appearances, Movements, and Meanings of the Prodigious Comet of the Year 1618. With Demonstrations of its Celestial Location, Grandeur, and Distance from the Earth. Image 8.