Christiani Hugenii Zulichemii, dum viveret Zelemii Toparchae, Opera Varia
(The works of Christian Huygens of Zulichemius, while the life of Zelemius the Toparch)
Christian Huygens, Dutch (1629-1695).
Lugduni Batavorum : Apud Janssonios Vander Aa, Bibliopolas, 1724
Christian Huygens was a Dutch mathematician who began studying the discipline at nine-years-old. By thirteen, Huygens was seen as an up-and-coming genius in mathematics and mechanics. Throughout his career, Huygens studied a variety of scientific subjects at several academic institutions across Europe. During his life, however, Huygens only published a few books, despite writing many. This book, for instance, was published after his death by a fellow mathematician and admirer of Huygens to exemplify his genius. It focuses primarily on the theory and practice of time-telling and time-telling machines.