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Journal/Book Title/Conference

Utah State University Faculty Honor Lectures




The Faculty Association, Utah State Agricultural College

Publication Date



@.ppreciate the honor of presenting the Faculty Research Lecture for 1954. In preparing this review I have drawn freely on the ideas and data of my colleagues, often without proper credit. Several of my associates both at the University of Utah and the Utah State Agricultural College have read the manuscript and made valuable suggestions. To all who have aided me directly or indirectly, I express my deep appreciation.

The research on human cancer was conducted through the Laboratory of Human Genetics, University of Utah, with the cooperation of Dr. F. E. Stephens, Dr. Charles M. Woolf, Dr. Ralph C. Richards, and several staff members of the Salt Lake General Hospital. Members of a large number of Utah families and their physicians have cooperated in the study. The project has been supported financially by the United States Public Health Service.

The fruit fly research was initiated at the University of Utah in 1946, when the author was a staff member at that institution, as a joint project with Dr. W. W. Newby. It was supported in its initial stages by the University of Utah Research Fund. The project has been continued since 1949 at the Utah State Agricultural College with the support of the Damon Runyon Memorial Fund, American Cancer Society, through the recommendation of the Committee on Growth, National Research Council, and the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. The follOwing graduate students have made Significant contributions: Charles M. Woolf, Frank J. Ratty, and Douglas M. Dearden at the University of Utah, and Gerald H. Stott, Marriner Bingham, Morris D. Gardner, and Ronald Mottishaw at the Utah State Agricultural College. Clyde Neil Herrick, Herman L. Green, and John R. Simmons are now associated with the project.


This lecture by Doctor Eldon J. Gardner is the thirteenth in a series, one of which is presented annually by a scholar chosen from the resident faculty at the Utah State Agricultural College. The occasion expresses one of the broad purposes of the College Faculty Association, an association of members of the faculty. These lectures appear under the Association's auspices as defined in Article II of its Constitution, amended in 1951: The purposes of the organization shall be . . . to encourage intellectual growth and development of its members . . . by sponsoring an Annual Faculty Research Lecture ... The lecturer shall be a resident member of the faculty selected by a committee of seven members, one of whom shall be appointed from the faculty of each of the Schools of the College . . . In choosing the lecturers, the Committee shall take into consideration the achievements of faculty members in all the various areas of learning represented by the teaching and research of the Institution. Among the factors to be considered shall be outstanding achievement in one or more of the following: (1) publication of research through recognized channels in the field of the proposed lecture; (2) outstanding teaching over an extended period of years; (3) personal influence in developing the character of students. Dr. Gardner was selected by the committee to the thirteenth lectureship thus sponsored. On behalf of the members of the Association we are happy to present Doctor Gardner's paper: GENETICS OF CANCER AND OTHER ABNORMAL GROWTHS.
