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Asymmetries in NCAA Division I Tennis Players Compared to An Athletic Control Group, Elizabeth Cafferty
Post-Activation Potentiation Following Maximal Effort, Multi-Joint, Isokinetic Eccentric Contractions, Tom Dickey
Effects of Blood Flow Restriction During Acute Multi-Joint Eccentric Exercise on Muscle Recovery, Cody Fisher
The Development of a Novel, Non-Binary Measure of Motor Planning Flexibility, Jesse Hansen
Efficacy of Depth Jump Parameters as a Recovery Monitoring Tool, Lane Johnson
Correlation Between Maximal Eccentric and Isometric Multi-Joint Lower-Extremity Strength and Vertical Jumping Performance in Young Adults, Joonsun Park, Cassidy Weeks, Brennan J. Thompson, and Talin Louder; Muscles
Acute Effects of Multi-Joint Eccentric Exercise on Lower Extremity Muscle Activation Measured During Land and Water Walking, Brayden Worley
Relationships Between Muscle Characteristics and Step Outcomes in Young and Old Adults, Kareem Abubukker
Prefrontal Activation During Inhibition of a Balance Recovery Step, Ezinne Abugu
Effects of Increased Motor Span on Reaction Time and Movement Time, Maia Garren
Comparing Lower-Limb Muscle Activity During Gait Performed in Water Versus on Land, Christopher Long
Reaction Time Under Limited Vision With Cognitive Challenge in Individuals With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Hsuan Bonny Lu
Effects of IMU Sensor Location and Number on the Validity of Vertical Acceleration Time-Series Data in Countermovement Jumping, Dianne Althouse
Relationship of Eccentric Strength and Forward Perturbation Restabilization After Foot Contact, Leandra K. Ashworth
Contributions of Vision to the Neuromotor Control and Biomechanics of Depth Jumping, Kenneth Harrison
Effects of Obesity on Knee Extensor Structure, Function, and Gait: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Michael N. Vakula
Comparative Effects of Eccentric Overload Training On Muscle Function Measures When Combined With Aquatic Plyometric Training, Cassidy Weeks
Association Between Visuomotor Skills and the Effects of Stroboscopic Vision on Depth Jump Performance, Riley Welch
Mindfulness-Based Practices for the Impaired Performance Athlete, Mackenzie L. Campbell
Intermachine Reliability of the Velotron During Wingate Anaerobic Testing, Caleb Christie
The Wingate Anaerobic Test: A Comprehensive Literature Review and Update on Reference Values in Athletes, Caleb Christie
Interpreting COVID-19 Deaths among Nursing Home Residents in the US: The Changing Role of Facility Quality over Time, Debasree Das Gupta, Uma Kelekar, Sidney C. Turner, Anupam A. Sule, and Taya G. Jerman; PLoS ONE
Test-Retest of the 5-Minute Psychomotor Vigilance Test, Katharine Dennison
Balance Control and Exercise-Based Interventions in Older Adults, Youngwook Kim
Survey of NCAA Athletic Trainers’ Administration of the National Wrestling Coaches Association Weight Certification Program, Samuel Konrath
Improving the Specificity of Vertical Stiffness Measurement in Depth Jump Landings, Miles Mercer
No Evidence of Stochastic Resonance in Postural Sway Response to Noisy Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation in Healthy Young Adults, Dominique Rice
Transfer Effects of a Multiple-Joint Isokinetic Eccentric Training Intervention to Nontraining-Specific Traditional Muscle Function Measures, Steven Spencer
Associations between Living Alone, Depression, and Falls among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in the US, Debasree Das Gupta, Uma Kelekar, and Dominique Rice; Preventive Medicine Reports
Choice‐Based Reminder Cues: Findings From an mHealth Study to Improve Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment Adherence Among the Urban Poor in India, Debasree Das Gupta, Amit Patel, Deepak Saxena, Naoru Koizumi, Poonam Trivedi, Krupali Patel, Devang Raval, Andrew King, and Kerianne Chandler; World Medical & Health Policy
Social Cognitive Factors Associated with Sharing Overt and Relational Cyberaggression Digitally, Diana J. Meter, Troy E. Beckert, Ross Budziszewski, and Abigail L. Phillips; International Journal of Bullying Prevention
Visual Feedback is Not Important for Bimanual Human Interval Timing, Breanna E. Studenka, Daisha L. Cummins, and Kodey Myer; Psychological Research
Interdevice Reliability of A-Mode Ultrasound to Measure Body Composition, Megan Bigler
Motor Preparation for Compensatory Reach-to-Grasp Responses When Viewing a Wall-Mounted Safety Handle, David A.E. Bolton, David M. Cole, Jixun Zhan, Manhoud Mansour, Garrett Rydalch, Douglas W. McDannald, and Sarah E. Schwartz; Cortex
“Get Tough!”: A Case Study on the Development of the Sport Ethic in Youth Lacrosse, Ross Budziszewski
Use of the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature in NCAA FBS Athletic Training Staffs, Garrison Chan
Effects of Resistance Training Frequency on Muscle Function Adaptations Using a Multiple-Joint Eccentric Training Model, Joshua Crane
The Effects of a Novel Sport-Based Intervention on Lower Body Muscle Function in Older Adults, Camille H. Dennis
The Effects of a Yoga Intervention on Cognitive Function in Older Adults, Elizabeth Edwards
Stop-Signal Reaction Time Correlates with a Compensatory Balance Response in Older Adults, Derek England
Staying Upright by Shutting Down? Evidence for Global Suppression of the Motor System When Recovering Balance, Caleigh Goode
The Effects of a Yoga Intervention on Reactive Balance in Older Adults, Haley M. Hayes
Evaluation of Body Fat Prediction Equations from a Portable A-Mode Ultrasound (BodyMetrix) Compared to Bod Pod, R. Stephan Lowry
Associations Between Masculine Norms and Health-Care Utilization in Highly Religious, Heterosexual Men, Josh R. Novak, Terry Peak, Julie A. Gast, and Melinda Arnell; American Journal of Men's Health
ASEA Redox Supplement Fails to Improve Aerobic Capacity and Ventilatory Threshold: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, Dale R. Wagner, Kyle Shegrud, and Korry J. Hintze; Journal of Exercise Physiology
Priming of Grasping Muscles When Viewing a Safety Handle is Diminished With Age, David A.E. Bolton, Sarah E. Schwartz, Manhoud Mansour, Garrett Rydalch, and Douglas W. McDannald; Maturitas
Non-Linear Analysis of Visual-Motor Tracking Pre- and Post-Heading in Collegiate Female Soccer Athletes, Sonia DelBusso
Effects of Isokinetic Eccentric versus Traditional Lower Body Multiple-Joint Resistance Training on Muscle Function in Recreationally Trained College-Aged Adults, Joshua P. Gordon
Comparison of A-mode and B-mode Ultrasound for Measurement of Subcutaneous Fat, Trenton Judd
The Immediate Influence of Whole Body Vibration on Proprioceptive Precision, Sean Madill
Motor Affordance for Grasping a Safety Handle, Douglas W. McDannald, Manhoud Mansour, Garrett Rydalch, and David A.E. Bolton; Neuroscience Letters
Motor Affordance for Grasping a Safety Handle, Doug W. McDannald
The Effect of Self-Selected Music on Back Squat Performance, Becka Owens
The Role of Multiple Internal Timekeepers and Sources of Feedback on Interval Timing, Breanna E. Studenka, Daisha L. Cummins, and Megan A. Pope; Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
A Review of Open Access to Evidence Based Medicine for Athletic Trainers, Emily F. Teson
Analysis of Existing Soccer Conditioning Data, Conner Andrews
Reliability of the Wingate Anaerobic Test with Ice Hockey Players on the Velotron Cycle Ergometer, Ryan F. Bringhurst, Dale R. Wagner, and Sarah Schwartz
Evaluation of Long-term Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Visual Motor Control of NCAA Division I Football Athletes, Kathryn DeLost
Establishing a Kinetic Assessment of Reactive Strength, Talin Louder
Comparison of Land and Aquatic Loaded Countermovement Jump Landings in Female NCAA Division I Collegiate Athletes, Samantha L. Nielson
Effect of an Aquatic Environment on Dual-Task Performance in Older Adults, Devin Patterson
The Effects of Previous Concussions on the Physiological Complexity of Motor Output During a Continuous Isometric Visual-Motor Tracking Task, Adam C. Raikes
Effect of Increasing External Loads on Countermovement Jump Landing Kinetics between NCAA DI Women's Soccer and Gymnastics on Land vs in Water, Paul Bryan Beachem IV
Effectiveness of Traditional Land-Based Therapy vs Aquatic-Based Therapy after ACL Reconstruction, Philip M. Boozer
Effects of High Intensity and Sprint Interval Training Frequency on 1.5 Mile Run Times in Air Force ROTC Cadets, Jared Hill Dahle
Comparison of Dynamic Stability between Gymnast and Soccer Players Following a Countermovement Jump on Land and in Water, Berangere A. Dwyer
Comparison of Propulsive Power During Loaded Countermovement Jumps in Division One Female Soccer Players and Gymnasts, Kristin N. Gollofon
The Multifaceted Interaction of Pain Perception in Collegiate Athletes, Kristen Leigh Bartiss
Validity and Reliability of A-Mode Ultrasound for Body Composition Assessment of Lean, Division I Athletes, Dustin L. Cain
Wingate Anaerobic Test Methods for Power-Trained Males Using Velotron, Nicolas W. Clark
A Systematic Review of Aquatic Exercise Programs on Balance Measures in Older Adults, Shayla Diane Foster
The Effects of Using a Nike+ FuelBand to Measure Physical Activity in a Community Based Intervention among Middle-Aged Adults, Rebecca Lynne Jensen
Non-Linear Dynamical Analysis of a Visual-Motor Tracking Task for Baseline Testing and Post-Concussion Evaluation of Intercollegiate Athletes, Nicholas Lambertsen
Comparison of Propulsive Power During Loaded Countermovement Jumps Performed in Water versus Land in College Aged Males, Clint R. Nardoni
Movement Variability During Isometric Force Tracking and Quiet Stance, Zachary Phipps
Dose Response Relationship Between Aquatic Treadmill Running and Change to SI in Land Treadmill Running, Luke Campbell Roberts
Plyometric Landings on Land and in Waist-Deep Water: Comparison Between Young and Middle-Aged Adults, Cade Jon Searle
The Role of Masculinity, Masculine Capital, and Spousal Social Control on Men's Health Behaviors, Melinda Gean Arnell
Effect of Water Immersion and Jet Perturbation on Balance in Older and Younger Adults, Matthew Baldwin
Test-retest Reliability of the NeuroCom® VSR™ Sport in Division I Collegiate Female Soccer Players, Crystal Davisson
Differences in Strike Index Between Treadmill and Aquatic Treadmill Running in Experienced Distance Runners, James Paul Hoover Jr.
Association Between Pelvic Motion and Hand Velocity in College-Aged Baseball Pitchers, William Temlin Horlbeck
Does Motor Learning Generalize Between Distinct Functional Upper Extremity Tasks in Older Adults?, Bergen Elyse Lindauer
Inter- and Intra-rater Reliabililty of a Modified Approach to Scoring the Balance Error Scoring System BESS in Undistracted and Distracted Conditions, Jacob Ryan Pierce
Clinical Assessment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Pre- and Post-Surgical Intervention in a Division I Female College Gymnast: A Case Study, Emily R. Silva
Validating Resonance Raman Spectroscopy: a Non-invasive Assessment of Skin Carotenoids as a Biomarker of Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Children, Sheryl Swain Aguilar
Lactate Threshold: Land versus Water Treadmill Running, Ron T. Garner
Nutritional Habits & Knowledge in the Division I Collegiate Football Player, Mallory Hale
Effect of Stroboscopic Vision Training on Dynamic Visual Acuity Scores: Nike Vapor Strobe® Eyewear, Joshua Holliday
Effect of Aquatic Immersion on Static Balance, Talin J. Louder
Comparison of VO2 and Body Kinematics for Three Cycling Modes, Andrew I. Miller
Factors Affecting the Outcomes in Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Case Report, Laura K. Parry
Intramuscular Temperature of Rectus Femoris During Cold Water Immersion, Nicholas Rech
Effect of Step Rate on Foot Strike Pattern and Running Economy in Novice Runners, Janae Lynn Richardson
The Use of Acupuncture in Sports Medicine, Melanie Sfara