This article provides an overview of Virginia’s 1-3-6 Family Educator Project involving the induction and integration of parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing as leaders in systems change, and the investment of Virginia’s Early Hearing Detection & Intervention program in the project. The article describes the role of the 1-3-6 Family Educators and their success in collaborating with audiologists and hospitals, helping parents get timelier rescreenings of infants who did not pass the newborn hearing screening, and providing peer-to-peer support to parents. Details are provided about the 1-3-6 Family Educator Project to allow other states to consider replicating Virginia's efforts to empower and support parents as an integral part of system change.
Recommended Citation
Yarbrough, D. V. Watts, K. Miller, D. & Murdock, S. (2018). Engaging Parents in System Design to Reduce Loss to Follow-Up. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention: Volume 9 Issue 1, pages 1-53, 3(2), 8-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26077/0w25-2p89
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