A notable percentage of children identified with hearing loss through newborn hearing screening have mild bilateral or unilateral hearing loss (MB/UHL). Caregivers’ appropriately strong emotions, fears, and personal struggles may inadvertently interfere with their engagement with audiologists and other professionals, as well as adherence to jointly determined intervention protocols. Researchers have shown variable outcomes for children with MB/UHL, counseling that includes addressing emotional and cognitive factors is essential for effectively engaging parents. The aim of this article is to describe counseling attributes and strategies that providers can incorporate when working with parents of children with MB/UHL to improve parent engagement in the intervention process. Implementation of Motivational Interviewing, and evidence-based counseling technique when working with parents of children who have MB/UHL can provide a supportive foundation to help parents and benefit children. When service providers are purposeful in their approach to communication, they can help parents accept the hearing loss, support them in making informed decisions about intervention, and overcome barriers. Ultimately, the objective of incorporating counseling methods in audiological sessions with parents is to improve greater adherence to jointly agreed upon intervention plans and improve quality of life.
Recommended Citation
Munoz, K. F. Ong, C. W. & Twohig, M. P. (2019). Engaging Parents of Children with Mild Bilateral or Unilateral Hearing Loss: Counseling Considerations. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, 4(3). DOI: https://doi.org/10.26077/prd1-2728
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