
Scanning Microscopy


The forming enamel of rat incisor was either treated before fixation with one of these five treatments: ultrasonication, NaOCl, chloroform/methanol, NaOH or tween 20; or the incisors were first fixed and then submitted to one of these treatments. The structure of the forming enamel, compared with sections fixed with aldehyde and submitted to osmic maceration, depends on the way the samples were treated and on the fixative used. An amorphous material, removed by osmium tetroxide but not by aldehyde solution was seen to be located between fiber-like structures. In the region of inner enamel secretion the thickness of interrod septa was fairly constant, whereas in the region of outer enamel secretion, transverse septa of interred enamel gradually became thinner and finally disappeared. The longitudinal septa did not display such changes. Longitudinal grooves and ridges were seen at the end of enamel completion. These longitudinal septa finally merged and formed a flat surface.

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