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As part of a collaborative research program between the Space Dynamics Laboratory of Utah State University and the University of Western Ontario a meteor radar was installed and operated at Bear Lake Observatory, Utah (41.6 N, 111.6 W) alongside several instruments including a multi-wavelength all-sky imager and an OH/O2 temperature mapper (MTM). Joint measurements were obtained over a six month period during the winter from October 2000 to March 2001. The meteor radar data have been analyzed to determine the zonal and meridional winds at MLT heights (~80-100 km) and to estimate the mesospheric temperature variability. The all-sky image data have been used to identify several prominent gravity wave events for the analysis of their intrinsic properties. This poster presents an initial comparison of the radar winds and wave signatures to set the scene for a quantitative study of mesospheric wave propagation at mid-latitudes.
Recommended Citation
Hatch, D. R.; Taylor, M. J.; Taori, A.; and Hocking, W. K., "Simultaneous Mesospheric Wind, Gravity Wave and Temperature Measurements at Bear Lake Observatory, Utah (41.6°N)" (2024). All Physics Faculty Publications. Paper 2168.
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