
Technical Session VI: Enabling New Technologies and Methods I


Reduce to the minimum any analog-based system on board the next generation satellites and replace them with the more performing and reliable digital platforms shall be the challenge for all the Space Business World in the next decade. The micro-size NEGESAT Company (2 experienced Space Engineers) has launched, since early 99, the project called NEGESAR (NEw GEneration Satellite ARchitecture) aiming at this objective: to give the Space User a way to launch active and complex Electronic Equipment into space using commercial quality components, that is the same ones developed for the highest performance on Ground. The result is enclosed in 4 statements: drop of high vibrational loads, thermal efficiency improvement by permitting to use standard low heat conductive PC boards materials, raise of the shielding capability against electrons and protons fluence radiations of at least one order magnitude, multiplication of the global performance to cost ratio of a minimum factor of 3. NEGESAT has made a Joint Venture with the MEGSAT Company with the aim to space qualify the new Technology: SOFTEQ, the Flight Demonstrator will be launched on 25 th August 2000.


Aug 23rd, 9:00 AM

NEGESAR: NEw GEneration Satellite Architecture

Reduce to the minimum any analog-based system on board the next generation satellites and replace them with the more performing and reliable digital platforms shall be the challenge for all the Space Business World in the next decade. The micro-size NEGESAT Company (2 experienced Space Engineers) has launched, since early 99, the project called NEGESAR (NEw GEneration Satellite ARchitecture) aiming at this objective: to give the Space User a way to launch active and complex Electronic Equipment into space using commercial quality components, that is the same ones developed for the highest performance on Ground. The result is enclosed in 4 statements: drop of high vibrational loads, thermal efficiency improvement by permitting to use standard low heat conductive PC boards materials, raise of the shielding capability against electrons and protons fluence radiations of at least one order magnitude, multiplication of the global performance to cost ratio of a minimum factor of 3. NEGESAT has made a Joint Venture with the MEGSAT Company with the aim to space qualify the new Technology: SOFTEQ, the Flight Demonstrator will be launched on 25 th August 2000.