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Improving Access to General Education via Co-Teaching in Secondary Mathematics Classrooms: An Evaluation of Utah's Professional Development Initiative, Kaitlin Bundock, Kristen Rolf, Anna Hornberger, and Chamy Halliday; Rural Special Education Quarterly

Incorporating Choice-Making Opportunities to Increase Engagement in Leisure Activities for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Casey J. Clay, Nelungwe Chuunga, Karen V. O'Connor, and SungWoo Kahng; Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities


Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Dispositional Gatekeeping Behavior Among Rehabilitation Counselor Educators, Michelle McKnight, Allison Levine, Trenton J. Landon, Brian N. Phillips, Rebecca R. Sametz, Michael Gerald, and Taryn V. Richardson; Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal


Seas the Day! By Supporting Non-Traditional Students in Distance Teacher Preparation, Kristen R. Rolf; Teacher Education Division 2023 Conference


Use Explicit Instruction, Kristen R. Rolf and Timothy A. Slocum; High Leverage Practices for Intensive Interventions


The Case for Direct Instruction, Marcy Stein and Kristen Rolf; Impact


Student Behavior Ratings and Response to Tier 1 Reading Intervention: Which Students Do Not Benefit?, Wilhelmina van Dijk, Christopher Schatschneider, Stephanie Al Otaiba, and Sara A. Hart; Journal of Research on Education Effectiveness



Evaluating Professional Behavior Analysts' Literature Searches, Nicole L. Bank, Einar T. Ingvarsson, and Trenton J. Landon; Behavior Analysis in Practice

Advancing Methods in Animal-Assisted Intervention: Demonstration of Starting Points in Clinical Practice for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Casey J. Clay, Brittany A. Schmitz, Anna D. Hogg, Emma S. Keicher, Anne M. Clohisy, and SungWoo Kahng; Behavior Analysis in Practice


Toward Deeper Understanding and Wide-Scale Implementation of Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions, Sophia D'Agostino, Ana D. Dueñas, Alice Bravo, Kelsie Tyson, Diondra Straiton, Giovanna L. Salvatore, Cressida Pacia, and Melanie Pellecchia; Autism


"Not My Job", or is it: School Counselor's Perceptions of Collaboration With Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Elizabeth S. G. Dimond, Michelle McKnight, Trenton J. Landon, Jarhed Peña, and Kayla R. Currier Kipping; Journal of Education & Social Policy

Experiences of Service Providers in the Expedited Delivery of ABA Therapy via Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Reflections and Considerations for the Future., Ana D. Dueñas and Sophia R. D'Agostino; Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice

A Systematic Review of Asynchronous Online Learning Opportunities for Paraeducators., Christen L. Knowles, Sophia R. D'Agostino, Megan G. Kunze, Denise J. Uitto, and Sarah N. Douglas; The Journal of Special Education


Addressing the Sticky Issue of How to Consolidate Rehabilitation Counseling Professional Associations, Trenton J. Landon, Brian N. Phillips, Rachel F. Kesselmayer, Jill L. Bezyak, and Paige N. Dunlap; Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal


A Vision for Rehabilitation Counseling: Appreciative Inquiry Through the Eyes of Our Legacy Leaders, Andrea Perkins Nerlich, Trenton J. Landon, and John P. Keegan; Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal


Curriculum Adoption in U.S. Schools: An Exploratory, Qualitative Analysis, Sarah E. Pinkelman, Kristen R. Rolf, Trenton Landon, Ronnie Detrich, Carrie McLaughlin, Amy Peterson, and Michelle McKnight-Lizotte; Global Implementation Research and Applications


Parent Perspectives on Preparing Students with Intellectual Disabilities for Inclusive Postsecondary Education, Jefferson Clark Sheen, Ty Aller, Robert L. Morgan, and Kayla Currier Kipping; Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education


Threats to Internal Validity in Multiple-Baseline Design Variations, Timothy A. Slocum, Sarah E. Pinkelman, P. Raymond Joslyn, and Beverly Nichols; Perspectives on Behavior Science


Mathematics Intervention for College Students with Learning Disabilities: A Pilot Study Targeting Rate of Change, Kaitlin Bundock, Gregory L. Callan, Kristen R. Rolf, Chandler M. Benney, and Maryellen Brunson McClain; Insights into Learning Disabilities

Exploring the Knowledge, Perceptions and Practice Patterns of School Counselors Regarding Vocational Rehabilitation for Transition Age Youth With Disabilities, Kayla R. Currier-Kipping, Michelle McKnight-Lizotte, Brian N. Phillips, Trenton J. Landon, and John J. Whicker; Journal of Rehabilitation

Preparation Experiences of Pre- Service Inclusive Preschool Teachers: A Qualitative Metasynthesis., Sophia R. D'Agostino and Sarah N. Douglas; Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education

Where is the Paraeducator Content in Introductory Special Education Textbooks?, Sarah N. Douglas, Denise J. Uitto, and Sophia R. D'Agostino; Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals

Teaching Young Children to Make Bids to Play to Peers with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Ana D. Dueñas, Sophia R. D'Agostino, and Joshua B. Plavnick; Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities

The Role of the Supervisor in Counselor Professional Development, Trenton J. Landon, Allison Levine, Emily A. Brinck, James L. Soldner, and Jared C. Schultz; Journal of Rehabilitation Administration


Exploring the Relationship Between Familiarity With the ICF and Rehabilitation Counselor Confidence in Facilitating Workplace Accommodations, Trenton J. Landon, Andrew Nay, Annemarie Connor, Brian N. Phillips, Antonio R. Reyes, and Jeremy Leavitt; Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education


Mental Health Needs for Students Enrolled in Inclusive Postsecondary Education Programs, Michelle Lizotte, Elizabeth Dimond, Trenton J. Landon, Michael Gerald, and Susan M. Reeves; Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education

The Mathematics Digital Curriculum Boom: How Are Programs Selected?, Steve Rhine, Shannon O.S. Driskell, Kristen R. Rolf, Zach Hurdle, and Kaitlin Bundock; Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue


Reviewing Tools for Evaluating K-12 Instructional Materials Through an Implementation Lens, Kristen R. Rolf, Sarah E. Pinkelman, and Kaitlin Bundock; Global Implementation Research and Applications


Features of Direct Instruction: Interactive Lessons, Kristen R. Rolf and Timothy A. Slocum; Behavior Analysis in Practice

Supporting Transformational Leadership Within Public Rehabilitation Agencies, Scott A. Sabella, Katherine B. Friedman, Amanda McCarthy, and Trenton J. Landon; Journal of Rehabilitation Administration


Measurement of Clinical Versus Administrative Supervision: Initial Validation With a Sample of Rehabilitation Counselors, Scott A. Sabella, Trenton J. Landon, and Shira R. Pollack; The Clinical Supervisor


Features of Direct Instruction: Content Analysis, Timothy A. Slocum and Kristen R. Rolf; Behavior Analysis in Practice


Early Childhood Educators’ Perceptions of Inclusion for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sophia R. D'Agostino and Sarah N. Douglas; Early Childhood Education Journal

Exploring the Professional Development Needs of Early Childhood Paraeducators and Supervising Teachers, Rebecca Frantz, Sarah Douglas, Hedda Meadan, Michelle Sands, Naima Bhana, and Sophia R. D'Agostino; Topics in Early Childhood Special Education

State Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors' Knowledge of the Discovery Process in Customized Employment, Kandace T. Jones, Kayla Currier-Kipping, Trenton Landon, and Michelle McKnight-Lizotte; Journal of Rehabilitation

Transformational Leadership in Rehabilitation Counseling: Recommendations for Supervisors, Trenton J. Landon, Roy Del Valle, Ramar Henderson, and Andrew Nay; Journal of Rehabilitation Administration


Rehabilitation Counselor Supervisors' Perceptions of Counselor Professional Dispositions for Rural Service Delivery, Trenton J. Landon, Scott A. Sabella, Michelle McKnight-Lizotte, and Charles Bernacchio; Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin


Field-Based Counseling Supervisors' Perceptions of Needs and Barriers in Providing Clinical Supervision, Trenton J. Landon, Jared C. Schultz, Amanda McCarthy, and Ryan Paskins; Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education


Creating and Sharing Digital Instructional Activities: A Practical Tutorial, Stephanie L. Mattson, Thomas S. Higbee, Juliana Aguilar, Beverly Nichols, Vincent E. Campbell, Lyndsay D. Nix, Kassidy S. Reinert, Sara Peck, and Kylee Lewis; Behavior Analysis in Practice


Creating Digital Activity Schedules to Promote Independence and Engagement, Kassidy S. Reinert, Thomas S. Higbee, and Lyndsay D. Nix; Behavior Analysis in Practice


How do Supervisors Assess and Develop Professional Dispositions Among Counselors in Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies? A Qualitative Inquiry, Scott A. Sabella, Trenton J. Landon, Michelle McKnight-Lizotte, and Charles P. Bernacchio; The Clinical Supervisor


Effects of Behavioral Skills Training on Teachers Conducting the Recess-to-Classroom Transition, Sarah C. Smith and Thomas S. Higbee; Journal of Behavioral Education

Paraprofessional-Implemented Systematic Instruction for Students with Disabilities: A Systematic Literature Review, Virginia L. Walker, Karen H. Douglas, Sarah N. Douglas, and Sophia R. D'Agostino; Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities


Hearing Care and Management Priority Among Parents of Children with Down Syndrome: A Grounded Theory, John J. Whicker, Karen F. Muñoz, Nicole J. Pearson, Trenton J. Landon, Lauri H. Nelson, Karl R. White, and Michael P. Twohig; International Journal of Audiology



Siblings of Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Their Knowledge and Perspectives on Guardianship and its Alternatives, Anna M. Brady, Meghan M. Burke, Trenton Landon, and Kathleen Oertle; Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities

Practitioner-Implemented Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions: Systematic Review of Social Validity Practices, Sophia R. D'Agostino, Sarah N. Douglas, and Ana D. Dueñas; Topics in Early Childhood Special Education

Inclusive Preschool Practitioners’ Implementation of Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention Using Telehealth Training, Sophia R. D'Agostino, Sarah N. Douglas, and Elizabeth Horton; Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders


Rehabilitation Counseling in Rural Settings: A Phenomenological Study on Barriers and Supports, Trenton Landon, Annemarie Connor, Michelle McKnight-Lizotte, and Jarhed Peña; Journal of Rehabilitation


Counseling Skills in Audiology, Nicole Pearson, Karen Muñoz, Trenton J. Landon, and Kim Corbin-Lewis; The Hearing Journal


Validation of a Brief Form of the Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory, Scott A. Sabella, Jared C. Schultz, and Trenton J. Landon; Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin


Board Certified Behavior Analysts' Supervisory Practices of Trainees: Survey Results and Recommendations, Tyra P. Sellers, Amber L. Valentino, Trenton J. Landon, and Stephany Aiello; Behavior Analysis in Practice


Longitudinal Effects of a 2-Year Meditation and Buddhism Program on Well-being, Quality of Life, and Valued Living, Brooke M. Smith, Clarissa W. Ong, Tyson S. Barrett, Ellen J. Bluett, Timothy A. Slocum, and Michael P. Twohig; Mindfulness


Transition-Age Individuals with Disabilities, Supported Employment, and the Outcomes, Elizabeth Chesley and Kathleen Marie Oertle; National Rehabilitation Association Annual Training Conference

Increasing Social Initiations During Shared Book Reading: An Intervention for Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder., Sophia R. D'Agostino, Ana D. Dueñas, and Joshua B. Plavnick; Topics in Early Childhood Special Education

A Systematic Review of Paraprofessional Training Materials., Sarah N. Douglas, Denise J. Uitto, Claudia L. Reinfelds, and Sophia R. D'Agostino; The Journal of Special Education


Evaluation of Interactive Computerized Training to Teach Paraprofessionals to Implement Errorless Discrete Trial Instruction, Kristina R. Gerencser, Thomas S. Higbee, Bethany P. Contreras, Azure J. Pellegrino, and Summer Gunn; Journal of Behavioral Education

Teaching Self-Control: From Basic Findings to Educational Applications for Children, Kristin Griffith, Sara Peck, Sarah E. Pinkelman, and Gregory J. Madden; 44th Annual Association for Behavior Analysis International Convention

Four Ways to Create an Effective Teacher Education Program, Karen D. Hager; GoReact online workshop series

Providing effective performance feedback: The nuances of video observations., Karen D. Hager; aper presented at the 37thAnnual National Conference of the American Council for Rural Special Education

Teachers’ Use of Video Self-monitoring to Improve Delivery of Effective Teaching Practices, Karen D. Hager; Teaching Exceptional Children

Distance Learning: Providing a High-Quality Severe Certification Program That Includes Online Courses, Karen D. Hager and H. Weese; 37th Annual national Conference of the American Council for Rural Special Education


Promising and Evidence-Based Practices in Vocational Rehabilitation: Results of a National Delphi Study, Michael J. Leahy, Roy J. Del Valle, Trenton J. Landon, Kanako Iwanaga, Susan G. Sherman, Antonio Reyes, and Fong Chan; Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

Training Professionals for Effective Delivery of Transition and Employment Services, Kathleen Marie Oertle and Timothy Riesen; National Rehabilitation Association Annual Training Conference

The Factors that Impact Transition Collaboration as Identified by Statewide Transition Supervisors, Kathleen Marie Oertle, Caren L. Sax, S Bobroff, and Elizabeth Chesley; National Council on Rehabilitation Education (NCRE) conference

Characteristics and Descriptions of Transition Content on Special Education and Rehabilitation Graduate Program Websites, Kathleen Marie Oertle, Caren L. Sax, and Elizabeth Chesley; Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education

Dependent Group Contingencies in Classrooms: A Review of the Literature and Future Directions, Scott Page and Sarah E. Pinkelman; 44th Annual Association for Behavior Analysis International Convention

Contemporary Perceptions of Evidence-Based Practices in Rehabilitation Counseling, Susan Sherman, Trenton J. Landon, Roy Del Valle, Michael J. Leahy, and Fong Chan; Journal of Rehabilitation

Sustaining Effective Individualized Behavior Support: Barriers and Enablers, Monica Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, Sarah E. Pinkelman, Jo Beth Jimerson, Tricia A. Berg, Christopher J. Pinkney, and Kent McIntosh; Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth

Minimizing Restraint and Seclusion in Schools: A Response to Beaudoin and Moore, Virginia L. Walker and Sarah E. Pinkelman; Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Counseling in Audiology: AuD Students’ Perspectives and Experiences, John J. Whicker, Karen F. Muñoz, and Jared C. Schultz; Seminars in Hearing


Speech Rate Entrainment in Children and Adults With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder, Camille J. Wynn, Stephanie A. Borrie, and Tyra P. Sellers; American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology


Emerging Opportunities in Higher Education: Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism, Shahla Ala'i-Rosales, Lise Roll-Pettersson, Sarah E. Pinkelman, and Traci Cihon; European Journal of Behavior Analysis

Supporting Rural Students in Distance Education Teacher Preparation Programs, M. Alexander, Karen D. hager, and J. Mayhew; 35th Annual National Conference of the American Council for RuralSpecial Education

Professional Development with Video Modeling: Effects on Behavior Specific Praise in General Education Classrooms, Colleen Barry and Sarah E. Pinkelman; 43rd Annual Association for Behavior Analysis International Convention

A Pilot Study to Teach Siblings to Support Children with Complex Communication Needs, Sarah N. Douglas, Rebecca Kammes, Erica Nordquist, and Sophia R. D'Agostino; Communication Disorders Quarterly

Student Voices: How Colleges and Universities can Support Students with Disabilities Better., Allison R. Fleming, Kathleen Marie Oertle, and Anthony J. Plotner; The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability

College Students with Disabilities: The Relationship Between Student Characteristics, the Academic Environment, and Performance, Allison R. Fleming, Anthony J. Plotner, and Kathleen Marie Oertle; The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability

Collaborative Practices in the Service of Youth and Students with Disabilities in Transition, L Gripentrog and Kathleen Marie Oertle; Utah Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Conference (UMTSS)


Application of Coaching and Behavioral Skills Training During a Preschool Practicum With a College Student With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Summer Gunn, Tyra P. Sellers, and Benjamin Lignugaris/Kraft; Clinical Case Studies

Self-monitoring as a Strategy to Increase Student Teachers’ Use of Effective Teaching Practices, Karen D. Hager; Rural Special Education Quarterly

Web Conferencing with distant alternate certification student teachers, Karen D. Hager; Rural Special Education Quarterly

Transition From Face-to-face to Blended Course Delivery: Critical Considerations, Karen D. Hager and M. Alexander; 35th Annual National Conference of the American Council for Rural Special Education

Strategies for Advising and Supporting Distance and Nontraditional Learners, Karen D. Hager, B. Fiechtl, M. Dawson, M. Lyman, and D. Peterson; 40thAnnual TED Conference

High Quality Alternative Teacher Preparation: Programs Across Three Institutions, Karen D. Hager, J. Mayhew, and B. Dawson; 40th Annual TED Conference

Reviewing the DEC Recommended Practices Through an Interdisciplinary Lens, Anne Larson, Tricia Catalino, Judy Swett, and Sarah E. Pinkelman; 33rd Annual Division for Early Childhood International Conference


Sports and Disability: Enhanced Health, Self-Efficacy, and Social Inclusion Through Athletic Participation, Tayo Moss, Trenton J. Landon, and Allison Flemming; Review of Disability Studies


Influence of Social Factors on Student Satisfaction Among College Students With Disabilities, Kathleen Marie Oertle, Allison R. Fleming, Anthony J. Plotner, and Jonathan G. Hakun; Journal of College Student Development

The Importance of Career Development in Constructing Rehabilitation Transition Policies and Practices, Kathleen Marie Oertle and Stephanie O'Leary; Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

Expectations of Statewide Special Education and Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Leaders for Their Staff's Collaboration Activities, Kathleen Marie Oertle, Caren L. Sax, and Elizabeth Chesley; Journal of Rehabilitation

Function-Based Approach to Designing an Instructional Environment, Kristy Park and Sarah E. Pinkelman; Beyond Behavior

Using Information from Functional Assessment to Develop an Instructional Environment, Kristy Park and Sarah E. Pinkelman; 12th International Conference on PBIS

A Framework for the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in Schools, Sarah E. Pinkelman; University of Akureyri

Classroom Management and SWPBIS, Sarah E. Pinkelman; Edith Bowen Laboratory School

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Sarah E. Pinkelman; ELED

Positive Behavior Supports: Promoting Effective Implementation for Your Classroom, Sarah E. Pinkelman; Utah Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Conference

School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Sarah E. Pinkelman; SPED 5050

School-Wide Positive Behavior Support for Teachers, Sarah E. Pinkelman; ELED 5250

Centers for Independent Living and Their Involvement with Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities, Anthony J. Plotner, Kathleen Marie Oertle, Gwendlia J. Reed, Kimberly Tissot, and Gerda Kumpiene; Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

Fidelity Measures in School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports, Ashley Stride and Sarah E. Pinkelman; 43rd Annual Association for Behavior Analysis International Convention

Promoting Inclusion Through Evidence-Based Alternatives to Restraint and Seclusion, Barbara Trader, Jennifer Stonemeier, Tricia Berg, Christen Knowles, Michelle Massar, Manuel Manzaive, Sarah E. Pinkelman, Rhonda Nese, Traci Ruppert, and Robert Horner; Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities