Utah State University Faculty Monographs

Optimal Observation for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Fisher-information-matrix-based Approach
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) embody the interaction between a computing system and a physical process, distinguished from traditional embedded systems by being designed as networks of interacting elements rather than as isolated devices. The wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which are the focus of the research presented here, are examples of the application of CPS in monitoring some physical quantities of the environment and relaying the processed information to a central hub.
Optimal Observation for Cyber-Physical Systems addresses the challenge, fundamental to the design of WSNs, presented by the obligatory trade-off between precise estimates and system constraints. A unified theoretical framework, based on the well-established theory of optimal experimental design and providing consistent solutions to problems hitherto requiring a variety of approaches, is put forward to solve a large class of optimal observation problems. The Fisher information matrix plays a key role in this framework and makes it feasible to provide analytical solutions to some complex and important questions, which could not be answered in the past.
Springer Verlag
Publication Date
New York
computer systems, sensor networks
Recommended Citation
Song, Zhen, YangQuan Chen, Chellury R. Sastry, and Nazif C. Tas. Optimal observation for cyber-physical systems: A Fisher-information-matrix-based approach. New York: Springer, 2009.
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