Utah State University Faculty Monographs

Grasses of the Intermountain Region
Grasses are the world’s most important plants. They are the dominant plant group over so many parts of the world that there are many languages with a word for grassland, or even multiple kinds of grassland. They provide 70% of our calories, either directly, through the food that we eat, or indirectly, through the food that nourishes the animals that we eat – or their products. They are increasingly being used as ornamentals and the woody grasses (aka bamboos) are now being used for flooring, cutting board, and fabric.
Grasses of the Intermountain Region is derived, with a few updates and additional illustrations, from a two-volume treatment of grasses in North America that was organized and edited at Utah State University. Completing the two volumes involved over 70 contributors, at least as many herbaria, numerous reviewers, 11 illustrators, five botanical editors, and numerous other colleagues. The regional volume, because it includes fewer species, is simpler to use, shorter, and less expensive than the two volume set. Money generated from its sales (and those of the two volume set) are used to help support the Intermountain Herbarium of Utah State University.
Utah State University Press
Publication Date
Logan, UT
grasses, Great Basin, identification
Recommended Citation
Anderton, Laurel K. and Mary E. Barkworth, eds. Grasses of the Intermountain Region. Logan: Utah State University Press, 2009.
This book is available for sale through the publisher: Utah State University Press.
Note: Laurel Anderton and Mary Barkworth are the editors of this publication.