Document Type


Publication Date

January 1984


Introduction: Background/Authorization: This report is meant to provide a technical review and evaluation of Department of Energy documents concerning groundwater, radionuclide travel time and monitoring issues relative to siting a high level nuclear waste repository in the Gibson Dome area in Southern Utah. in so doing we have, during a relatively short period of time, examined in detail the Department of Energy Guidelines concerning high level nuclear waste disposal (1983) including revisions (1984), and each draft of the Environmental Assessments for Davis and Lavender Canyon, up to and including the fifth draft (dated July 27, 1984). In addition, a large body of supporting DOE documents and relavant published research literature was carefully examined and incorporated into this report. Our approach to the review and evaluation process has been to examine the assumptions analysis procedures, conclusions and supporting data regarding groundwater, radionuclide travel time and monitoring issues for the Davis and Lavender Canyon Environmental Assessments, and to provide independent appraisal of the DOE approach and assessment of these issues. This work is carried out under a contract with the State of Utah Office of Planning and Budget (Contract No. 85-0205).
