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Tuesday, September 27th
12:00 AM

Bird Repellent Seed Corn Treatment: Efficacy Evaluations and Current Registration Status


Jon F. Heisterberg, US Fish and Wildlife Service

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Canada Goose Numbers and Goose Damage in Northeastern Indiana


Ed Cleary, Purdue University
Ken Reynolds, Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Crop Depredations by Canada Geese in East-Central Wisconsin


Richard A. Hunt, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Ecology and Management of Depredating Blackbirds in Ontario Field Corn


J. D. Somers, Alberta Environmental Centre
F. F. Gilbert, Washington State University
R. J. Brooks, University of Guelph
D. E. Joyner, University of Southern Illinois

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Evaluation of Dimethyl Anthranilate as a Nontoxic Starling Repellent for Feedlot Settings


J. Russel Mason, Monell Chemical Senses Center
Adam H. Arzt, Monell Chemical Senses Center
Russel F. Reidinger, US Fish and Wildlife Service

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM

Phenology of Red-Winged Blackbird Use of Field Corn in Central New York


Eric K. Bollinger, Cornell University

Ithaca, New York

12:00 AM