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Sunday, October 18th
12:00 AM

A State-Administered User-Pay Program for Nuisance Wildlife Control


Dale W. May, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Categorization and Seasonal Periodicity of Terrestrial Vertebrate Pest Control Inquiries in Virginia


Harry J. Dutton, Environmental Systems Management, Inc.
Jefferson L. Waldon, Environmental Systems Management, Inc.
Peter T. Bromley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

The Economic Impact of Wildlife Damage on Hudson Valley Orchards


M. Phillips, Cornell University
C. G. Forshey, Cornell University
G. B. White, Cornell University
M. E. Richmond, Cornell University

Gulf Shores, Alabama

12:00 AM

Wildlife Damage to Agriculture in Nebraska: A Preliminary Cost Assessment


R. J. Johnson, University of Nebraska
R. M. Timm, University of Nebraska

Gulf Shores, Nebraska

12:00 AM