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Ithaca, New York

Start Date

6-10-1991 12:00 AM


Wildlife Damage Control is offered as a 3-hour course during winter quarter in alternate years at Auburn University. This course is taught simultaneously at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage (R. Timm, ed.) 1983. Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service, University of Nebraska-Lincoln) is the course text, but numerous outside readings are provided on specific topic areas. Graduate students are given additional required reading material, must complete a term paper, and are given examinations requiring greater synthesis of ideas than do those administered to undergraduates. An optional weekend field trip, arranged in cooperation with United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Animal Damage Control (ADC) personnel, is included and considered to be an important component . The course is taken as an elective under the undergraduate wildlife curriculum, usually in the junior or senior year. The wildlife curriculum is structured to meet both university core curriculum and The Wildlife Society (TWS) certification requirements. This does not allow Wildlife Damage Control to be included as a required course. Average combined class size is 15.


Oct 6th, 12:00 AM

Wildlife Damage Education at Auburn University

Ithaca, New York

Wildlife Damage Control is offered as a 3-hour course during winter quarter in alternate years at Auburn University. This course is taught simultaneously at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage (R. Timm, ed.) 1983. Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service, University of Nebraska-Lincoln) is the course text, but numerous outside readings are provided on specific topic areas. Graduate students are given additional required reading material, must complete a term paper, and are given examinations requiring greater synthesis of ideas than do those administered to undergraduates. An optional weekend field trip, arranged in cooperation with United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Animal Damage Control (ADC) personnel, is included and considered to be an important component . The course is taken as an elective under the undergraduate wildlife curriculum, usually in the junior or senior year. The wildlife curriculum is structured to meet both university core curriculum and The Wildlife Society (TWS) certification requirements. This does not allow Wildlife Damage Control to be included as a required course. Average combined class size is 15.