Document Type
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Scientific Reports
Author ORCID Identifier
Christian John
Tal Avgar
Karl Rittger
Justine A. Smith
Thomas Stephenson
Eric Post
Nature Publishing Group
Publication Date
Journal Article Version
Version of Record
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Climate change reduces snowpack, advances snowmelt phenology, drives summer warming, alters growing season precipitation regimes, and consequently modifies vegetation phenology in mountain systems. Elevational migrants track spatial variation in seasonal plant growth by moving between ranges at different elevations during spring, so climate-driven vegetation change may disrupt historic benefits of migration. Elevational migrants can furthermore cope with short-term environmental variability by undertaking brief vertical movements to refugia when sudden adverse conditions arise. We uncover drivers of fine-scale vertical movement variation during upland migration in an endangered alpine specialist, Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae) using a 20-year study of GPS collar data collected from 311 unique individuals. We used integrated step-selection analysis to determine factors that promote vertical movements and drive selection of destinations following vertical movements. Our results reveal that relatively high temperatures consistently drive uphill movements, while precipitation likely drives downhill movements. Furthermore, bighorn select destinations a their peak annual biomass and maximal time since snowmelt. These results indicate that although Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep seek out foraging opportunities related to landscape phenology, they compensate for short-term environmental stressors by undertaking brief up- and downslope vertical movements. Migrants may therefore be impacted by future warming and increased storm frequency or intensity, with shifts in annual migration timing and fine-scale vertical movement
Recommended Citation
John, C., Avgar, T., Rittger, K. et al. Pursuit and escape drive fine-scale movement variation during migration in a temperate alpine ungulate. Sci Rep 14, 15068 (2024).