Case Study Box: Puerto Rico and Hawaii: Wet Tropical Forests and the Dilemma of Coqui Frog Conservation and Eradication
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Forests and Society: Sustainability and Life Cycles of Forests in Human Landscapes
K.A. Vogt, J. Honea, D.J. Vogt, M. Andreu, R. Edmonds, J. Berry, R. Sigurdardottir, T. Patel-Weynand
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Recommended Citation
Beard, K.H. 2006. Case Study Box: Puerto Rico and Hawaii: Wet tropical forests and the dilemma of coqui frog conservation and eradication. Pp: 135-137. In: Forests and Society: Sustainability and life cycles of forests in human landscapes Eds. K.A. Vogt, J. Honea, D.J. Vogt, M. Andreu, R. Edmonds, J. Berry, R. Sigurdardóttir, T. Patel-Weynand.