"Farm & Home Science (FHS)"


Table of contents

Possibilities of controlling annual weeds in seed onions by chemical methods, indicated by experiments, by F. L. Timmons, L. R. Hawthorn, and R. D. Webber 21

Parathion kills honey bees, by G. F. Knowlton 23

Death of Professor Byron Alder brings close to long service to USAC and poultry industry of state 24

Lima beans, possible new crop for Utah, by L. H. Pollard 25

Planning the dairy barn arrangement, by G. Q. Bateman 26

Mechanical harvesting of sugar beets economical when machines are used to capacity, by E. M. Morrison and L. H. Davis 28

Sheep nutrition studies 30

Alfalfa seed growers of Utah should protect their wild bees, by G. E. Bohart 32

Further evidence of antibiotics from Utah soils, by R. J. Olsen and K. R. Stevens 34

Centennial of alfalfa in Utah, by J. W. Carlson 36
