"Farm & Home Science (FHS)"


Table of contents

Studies on feasibility of the Weber Basin Reclamation Project completed, by G. T. Blanch 1

Winter of 1951-52 one of deep snows, by G. L. Pearson 2

Peach varieties for Utah, by R. K. Gerber, O. Kirk, and S. W. Edgecombe 4

Balance nitrogen and water for sweet corn, by H. B. Peterson 5

Is alfalfa meal economical feed for turkey poults, by C. I. Draper 6

Right amounts of nitrogen fertilizer important in sugar beet production, by J. L. Haddock 7

Two more years' data support earlier pruning recommendations, by S. W. Edgecombe, R. K. Gerber, and o. Kirk 8

Plan your kitchen to be an efficient work center, by M. P. Bennion 10

Leafhoppers found to transmit western X-disease virus, by G. H. Kaloostian and M. W. Nielson 12

Phosphate fertilizer increases alfalfa hay yields, by R. Nielson 14

Tomatoes with large blossom ends often harbor thrips. 16

Fluid milk market in Utah unstable, by W. M. Allred 17
