

Table of contents

Use alfalfa-intermediate wheatgrass where water is limited up-grading irrigated pastures, by Keith R. Allred 47

New canal sealer clings to concrete 51

Insecticides in animals - their storage and interactions, by Joseph C. Street 52

USDA developing leaf harvester to strip alfalfa 54

Pruning bearing trees and rejuvenating old trees, by David R. Walker, J . LaMar Anderson, and Anson B. Call, Jr. 55

Bees fed pathogens 58

Native browse and broadleaf herb seed production - on cultivated land, by Gordon A. Van Epps 59

Maintaining quality in fresh product, by D. K. Salunkhe, L. E. Olson, B. N. Wankier, and Kazuo Chachin 62

Reproductive performance of dairy cows on an all-forage ration, by R. C. lamb, C. H. Mickelsen, and L. L. Perkes 66

Fertilizing winter wheat in Utah, by Rex F. Nielson and Gordon A. Van Epps 68

Black light lures insects to sterilant 71

Resource development on the Bolivian Altiplano, by J . Clark Ballard, Darrell H. Mathews, Devere R. McAllister, and N. Keith Roberts 72

Water for Utah - by plan or by accident, by B. Delworth Gardner 78

Farm flocks payoff, by Russell R. Keetch 82

Contributions to research 83

New publications 84

Sugar osmosis - new method for drying fruits 84
