

Table of contents

Heavy pigs benefit from protein supplements, Hyrum Steffen 111

Early triers of new food products - powerful consumers, H. Bruce Bylund and David L. Sanders 114

Effects of girdling and gibberellic acid treatments on Thompson Seedless grapes, J. LaMar Anderson and Don Huber 116

Time capsules fight insects 118

Sodium carbonate reseals stock ponds 118

Consumer sentiment and Utah's out•of-state visitor, Perry J. Brown and John D. Hunt 119

Plant scientist retires 120

Consumer response to use of turkey, Gerry Flake and Roice Anderson 121

Nature's unsung middlemen - bioclimatology, a practical science, Lois M. Cox, Gaylen l. Ashcroft, and E. Arlo Richardson 124

A new soil classification system, A. R. Southard and LeMoyne Wilson 130
