Table of contents
Unlocking the Secrets of Larkspur John D. Olsen Why and how larkspur kills sheep and cattle has perplexed researchers since the early 1900s. Just•completed work has finally substantiated the differences in sheep/cattle toler• ance and produced the techniques needed for intensive laboratory investigations. 35
Corn Production Under Drought Conditions R. J. Hanks, V. Sorensen, and A. Retta As demands for water proliferate in the arid West, farmers growing crops such as corn will have to become increasingly efficient in managing what supplies they have. An account• ing system for water has been developed to help them achieve that goal. 38
Rangelands, Ranchers, and Drought Roger E. Banner Ranchers whose livestock derive substantial amounts of forage from the range face special problems in drought years. Various operational adjustments can be made to enhance ranch survival. 44
Local Perceptions of Community Life in Rural Reed Geertsen, Michael Toney, and Yun Kim Citizens of 8 rural Utah Communities (1,500-5,500 popula• tion range) have definite opinions about their towns as places to live. The survey results could be useful to planners and decision-makers concerned with comparable areas. 46
Rhythms and Cycles in Nature USU Summer Science Lecture Series 51
Projects in Progress Lois M. Cox 52
Science Short Revising an Ancient Art 57
Drought Update for the Week Ending June 3, 1977 58
First - Know Your Weed Lois M. Cox Defining a weed can sometimes be as difficult as controlling it. USU weed researchers have found that both kinds of problems tend to respond favorably to combinations of persistence, precision, and imagination. 59
Balancing Production and Consumption: Agriculture's Elusive Goal J'Wayne McArthur Utah imports a surprisingly large amount of the food eaten by her citizens. As more agriculturally productive land goes under asphalt or houses, that pattern will persist. 61
Recommended Citation
"Utah Science Vol. 38 No. 2, June 1977,"
Utah Science: Vol. 38:
2, Article 1.
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