

Table of contents

87 Dyer's Woad: From Cultivated-To Cursed WILLIAM A. VARGA A 0 JOHN O. EVANS An historic and scientific look at past uses and future controls of an invasive Utah weed. *

90 Property Tax Equity Problems in Utah: Part II W. CRIS LEWIS The second informative installment which provides credible solutions to our property tax inequities.

94 T racking Individualistic Chromosomes STERLING M. ELLSWORTH, THOMAS D. BUNCH, AND STEPHEN R. PAUL A young scientist's work in cytogenetics; chromosomal anomaly identification and the effects of a translocation in Holstein cattle at USU.

97 Desert Bighorn Sheep- Doomed by a Fly? THOMAS D. BUNCH, HENRY E. McCUTCHEN, A 0 STEPHAN R. PAUL Desert Bighorn deaths, once attributed to common environmental factors, are now discovered to be caused by a more deadly and insideous invader, the bot fly larvae.

104 Wind Energy KENNETH G. HUBBARD Energy potentials from wind use are viewed in terms of site, season and climate variables in Utah.

107 Population Changes in Rural Utah WILLIAM F. STINNER, MICHAEL B. TONEY, A 0 STEPHEN KAN Utah's rural population boom: is it changing the face of the land? How do the migrants and natives feel about this and each other? A survey and discussion.

110 Projects in Progress LOISM. cox This feature heralds things to come. Its brief samplings of ongoing research describe the hows and whys of anticipated results .
