

Table of contents

71 TRAMPLING EFFECTS ON RANGELANDS Gerald F. Gifford and Manouchehr Dadkhah Protection of topsoil is the key to watershed management. Results show that this can be accomplished with a 50 percent protective ground cover. Degrees of trampling on various ground covers on different soils and slopes are compared.

74 SLUDGE-A WASTE OR A RESOURCE? Raymond W. Miller and Rex S. Spendlove Long considered unusable, sewage sludge is being studied for use as a crop fertilizer with definition of its possible consequences and benefits.

78 BEETLE KILL IN THE LODGEPOLE PINE Richard G. Ballard, Michael A. Walsh, and Walter E. Cole The lodge pole pine beetle does not work alone in destroying western forests. After the beetle bores into the tree, a blue stain fungus present on the beetle invades the tree's trunk and literally plugs its vital pathways.

82 THE SAGEBRUSH REBELLION: AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Allen D. LeBaron, E. Bruce Godfrey, and Darwin B. Nielsen Past federal subsidies to develop the arid West, grazing and mineral developments, and the imbalance in land and financial power between West and East have all contributed to today's Sagebrush Rebellion. Economic feasibility of transferring the lands in question to state administration is analyzed in terms of the rebellion 's historical roots.

92 SUCROSE VS. FRUCTOSE-IS SUGAR A KEY TO CALORIES? Charlotte Brennand and Sherrie Hardy Baking qualities resulting from the two sweeteners were studied in cookies. Crunchier cookies from sucrose, chewier ones from fructose.

94 TRENDS IN UTAH'S FRUIT PRODUCTION Roice H. Anderson Data gathered statewide indicates that agriculture is moving from diversified to specialized; more fruit is being marketed from fewer acres; and major fruits are now apples, cherries, and peaches. New and expanding markets in the Intermountain West are encouraging this industry.

98 FOOD STORAGE: HOW GOOD FOR HOW LONG? D. K. Salunkhe, S. K. Sathe, and C. A. Ernstrom Utah State scientists have spent years proving that heat-treated "bagged" foods and freeze-dried compressed foods will ultimately cost us less, retain vitamins better, and last longer. A variety of products comparatively processed are listed with tested results.
