Table of contents
97 PHOSPHORUS NEEDS OF BEEF CATTLE J. W. Call, J. E. Butcher, J. L. Shupe, A. E. Olson, and J. T. Blake Levels of phosphorus, suggested for normal growth and reproduction, are outlined. Symptoms and lesions of phosphorus deficiency in beef cattle are discussed.
100 FAT CATTLE D. Bailey and B. W. Brorsen The price differences by month and year between Utah and other regional markets for fat cattle were charted and analyzed to help the producer to make effective marketing decisions.
104 THE MALNUTRITION/DIARRHEA CONNECTION R. W. Sidwell, B. B. Barnett, and A. W. Mahoney Using pregnant and newborn mice, researchers have reconfirmed the value of a wellbalanced diet, particularly in the expectant mother. Their emphasis was on the connection between dietary adequacy in the pregnant mother and rota virus-induced diarrhea in the offspring.
108 COMPARABLE BONE DEFECTS J. L. Shupe, A. E. Olson, N. C. Leone, E. J. Gardner and Y. Elsner Several musculo-skeletal disorders of livestock have been studied at USU including fluoride toxicosis and hereditary multiple exostoses (HME) in both animals and humans. The results of the experiments on the animals have had valuable applications to humans.
112 A FEED SOURCE OF THE FUTURE D. C. Dobson, N. J. Stenquist and J. O. Anderson Composted fresh cage layer waste processed into a dry product form would be suitable as a feed ingredient for animals.
116 PANTOTHENIC ACID W. O. Song, B. W. Wyse, and R. G. Hansen Due to lack of standardized methods available for determining pantothenic acid in human beings, results from different laboratories, have been inconsistent until now. Research at USU encompasses the status of pantothenic acid in the diet of the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, and adolescents in Utah. a study to be completed by summer 1 985.
120 MUTTON IN SUMMER SAUSAGE D. T. Bartholomew, B. L. Woodbury, and C. I. Osuala Summer sausage is usually made from all beef ingredients but experiments at USU show that combining mutton meat with beef fat can produce a highly desirable sausage without any mutton off-flavor.
124 IN VITRO TOXICITY EVALUATION R. P. Sharma and M. Yoneyama To predict toxic responses in human health hazards. data have been developed from experiments on tissue and cell culture systems and evaluated to assess the toxicity of chemical exposure in animals and humans.
Recommended Citation
"Utah Science Vol. 45 No. 4, Winter 1984,"
Utah Science: Vol. 45:
4, Article 1.
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