Table of contents
114 GROWING OLD IN NORTHERN UTAH: AN EVALUATION OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY Y. Kim. M. Wilson and S. Chiba How elderly residents of Cache and Box Elder counties view available services.
117 WILL IT PAY TO PROCESS VEGETABLES IN UTAH? D. L. Snyder. T. F. Glover. L. K. Bond. D. Bailey. J. C. Andersen. W. C. Lewis and H. H. Fullerton Economists say a multi-commodity processing facility might be economically Feasible, but it involves considerable economic risk.
124 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION G.A.Long Results of a recent survey indicate there are plenty of job opportunities for well-trained students.
125 THE BIOTECHNOLOGY CENTER S. D. Aust A review of USU's biotechnological research.
141 RESEARCH TO CHANGE LIVESTOCK APPETITES F. D. Provenza Results of several studies indicate that livestock can be trained to eat certain feeds and avoid others. Training techniques promise to reduce livestock losses and increase gains.
144 BORON AVAILABILITY IN IRRIGATED SOILS IN UTAH R. N. Radtke, Jr. and D. W. James Samples of soil and alfalfa contained adequate levels of boron. Isolated cases of boron toxicity were associated with low-quality irrigation water.
147 USU RESEARCH HELPS AGRICULTURE ENTER THE SPACE AGE F. B. Salisbury Research concerning lunar farms and plant physiology also promises to benefit earth-bound agriculture.
Recommended Citation
"Utah Science Vol. 48 No. 3, Fall 1987,"
Utah Science: Vol. 48:
3, Article 1.
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