"Farm & Home Science (FHS)"


Table of contents

2,4•D for weed control in Utah, by O. C. Tingey and R. J. Evans 1

School of Forest, Range, and Wildlife Management. 2

Green manure crops for soil improvement, by O. W. Thorne and H . B. Peterson 3

State appropriation 4

American Farm Bureau Federation supports increased federal funds for research 4

Factors which influence the development of good teeth, by O. A. Greenwood 5

Irrigation research laboratory, by C. W. Lauritzen and O. W. Israelsen 6

Vegetable seed production limited by disease, by H. L. Blood 8

Agriculture and the farmer in postwar Japan, by E. L. Waldee 10

Symptoms of nutritional deficiency diseases in beef cattle, by L. L. Madsen 13

La t chance to save this year's peach and apricot crops from ravages of peach twig borer, by C. J. Sorenson 14

Utah federal-state cooperative Brucellosis program, by W. Binns 15
