"Farm & Home Science (FHS)"


Table of contents

Recommended agricultural production program for Utah for 1948, by W. P. Thomas and G. T. Blanch 1

Research in home economics expands 2

Disease problems in the production of tomato plants in the Moapa Valley, by H. L. Blood 3

New grass-legume pasture mixtures are high producers, by W. Keller, G. Q. Bateman and J. E. Packer 5

Disease threatens celery industry in Utah, by E. L. W aldee 6

The impact of war on the future marketing of poultry products in the Western States, by Carl Frischknecht 8

Seeding ranges to grass, by C. W. Cook and L. A. Stoddart 10

Wild bees in relation to alfalfa pollination, by G. E. Bohart 13

The relationship between arsenic in the blossoms of white sweetclover and in the soil, by W. P. Nye 15

Milk borne diseases, by W. Binns 18

The Utah Agricultural Experiment Station in the service of Utah 24
