

Table of contents

New water for Utah lands, by W. P. Thomas, G. T. Blanch, O. W. Israelsen, D. F. Peterson, Jr., and D. S. Jennings 1

Administrative staff 2

Alfalfa meal in the diet of the chick, by C. I. Draper 3

Two agricultural leaders honored 4

Manganese deficiency: a new plant nutrient problem in Utah, by D. W. Thorne and F. B. Wann 5

Consumptive use of water studies in Colorado Basin, by D. F. Peterson, Jr., and W. D. Criddle 6

Supplementary feeding of sheep on the winter range, by L. E. Meldrum, L. A. Sharp, L. E. Harris, C. W. Cook, L. A. Stoddart, and L. L. Madsen 8

The concentration of DDT in the blood and tissues of sheep fed varying levels of DDT, by J. R. Harris, C. Biddulph, D. A. Greenwood, M. J. Bryson, L. E. Harris, M. L. Miner, W. Binns, and L. L. Madsen 13

Research findings 19

Native plant becomes weed menace, by A. H. Holmgren 20
