
Scanning Electron Microscopy


HydromerR-coated polyurethane (Erythroflex)R catheters, unused, or intravenously inserted for 2-20 days, were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both unfixed and fixed (2% glutar-aldehyde in phosphate buffer), and air-or critical-point dried (CPD) specimens were investigated. The catheter segments were sputter-coated with approx. 20 nm gold and studied at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. The specimens were examined for surface depositions, thickness and structure of the HydromerR layers, and occurrence of adhering and embedded bacteria.

The outer HydromerR layer showed, in the un-used specimens, scratches and fissures, as well as adhering foreign bodies. In used specimens, the layer was swollen, with cracks (like "dried earth"), and, occasionally , amorphous substances and coccoid bacteria were seen adhering. Damage to the layer, or even its total disappearance was also noted in some specimens.

The inner (luminal) HydromerR layer was, in unused specimens, clean and slightly wavy. In used catheters, it was thicker, possibly swollen, with small, isolated or agglomerated protrusions, like a "lunar landscape". Adhering platelets and amorphous substances were also occasionally seen.

The results suggest that the HydromerR is a fragile material in both its dry and wet forms. Thus, the HydromerR-coated catheters should neither be stored in flexible packs, nor inserted by the Seldinger technique. The findings do not support the belief that the HydromerR-coating can prevent either thrombus formation, or intraluminal occlusion of the in-situ catheters.

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